Art goodness

Jun 26, 2008 20:53

After much consideration, I decided to buy myself a tablet. This tiny-weeny touchpad was just not cutting it anymore, especially for even my somewhat limited attempt as photo editing and digital art. It is a little, cheap pad, but still much fun to use. I spent this evening trying to get used to it.

Of course, I have no practice and little intrinsic talent in the field, this is what you end up with:

I proudly present Sketchy!

She is 27 years old, unemployed, and living off her parents. She spends her days sitting on a park bench built by an inept Eagle scout, a sad example of the dangers of social promotion (the leader let him out of Cub Scouts without his carpentry badge). Her favorite foods are chocolate pudding and meatloaf, though her lack of fingers makes it hard to prepare either.

So, do any of you art folks have recommendations for sites and/or books with good information about how to use a tablet? As you can tell, I am still an absolute beginner.

tablet, art post, general nonsense

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