Things I Learned Today, or Lessons from an Airplane

May 15, 2007 11:12

1) From above, the lights of one of the suburbs of Vegas looks a bit like the outline of a chicken in a cast

2) It is impossible to make your connecting flight on time if your first flight begins its descent as the second begins boarding

3) Los Vegas actually does exude a palatable cloud of sleaze

4) There must be a black mark on my file somewhere, as I have been "randomly" selected for special security consideration on >50% of my flights now

5) Delta has better food

6) I still can't sleep on planes

7) The words "we may pass through a couple of thunderstorms today on the way" are never a good sign, even when delivered with a charming British accent

8) Inexplicably, I get much less motion sick on planes than in cars

9) Spaceflight sounds cool and all, but whenever we get around to inventing it it will be just like this.

travel, general nonsense

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