MY life- READ IT!

Jan 22, 2007 14:26

3 hrs. That's how long it took for Dad and Mukda to kick me out of the house.

Sun. around 11:30am, someone got mango on the floor and Mukda stepped on it, squishing it all over the floor. She called the Kara, Paula and I upstairs and ordered us to clean it up by hand, but first, eat breakfast. Kara grabbed a hotpocket, Paula was told to eat a banana and milk- I had bf already. I figured P. wanted more so I made her some peanut butter toast.
Mukda sees Kara's hotpocket and randomly demands that Kara split it in half and give some to Paula. Confused, Kara sees Paula already eating and defends herself, "Um, this is my only bf...and the h.p. is really small (it was one of the mini breakfast ones)..."
"Did you even ask if Paula wanted some? Did you!? You're selfish! U didn't even make her one!" Mukda starts going off on Kara about it, while Dad stands there and watches.
At first, I didn't want to say anything. I stood in the bathroom and just glared into the mirror. But, finally, I couldn't take it. Someone had to step in.
I walked out and defended Kara. I tried not to raise my voice or be sarcastic or whatever, but I didn't back down. "You're blowing things out of proportion, Paula has her bf, never wanted a h.p. to begin with and if Kara split hers and 'made another for herself' (as Mukda suggested) then Kara would've eaten 1.5 hotpockets- and yea, she didn't want that 'cause she felt sick!"

"Shut your mouth!" Mukda roared at me. She turned her anger from Kara to me, except I refused to cower. And no I didn't stay silent. It was wrong! She was wronge. Finally, tho I got tired of having Mukda scream in my face (I wasn't talking much the entire time mind you- i let her bitch) so I walked away and went to the b-room. Once I did Mukda turned to Paula and screamed, "Don't eat anything this lady give you! She BAD! She teaches u how to be selfish and dishonest! Don't talk to her, don't play with her, dont eat her food!"
At that, I walked out of the b-room, both angry and hurt."Stop telling her that!" I cried. "I'm doing nothing but defending my sisters! You're making a big deal out of NOTHING! GOD- Kara didn't even refuse to give Paula the hotpocket!"
"Quiet, Ayla," Dad barked. "You do nothing around here-look of you even clean the dishes!" He pointed to Mukda's coffee cup in the sink, ignoring the huge pile of clean dishes drying beside him. I'd done the dishes that morning in order to avoid his obsessive-compulsion of demanding we keep the ENTIRE house SPOTLESS!.

I tried to ignore him and walked into my room. Mukda started yelling how I can never talk to her again- not a word. She didn't want to be in the same room with me. She didn't care if I apologize because she would "never forget". Mukda came in, her face ugly with anger and bitterness.
"You a snake," She spat in broken english. Her eyes gleamed and I turned away. "You nasty! We don't want you here- get out of our house. Every time you come you make my face ugly!" She went into the kitchen and started talking loudly to Dad who'd stood watching the whole scene silently.
"Take your daughter to Lisa's house! (Mom's house) Take her to Burkittsville! I don't want her here!" As she ranted I began packing my bags. As I do, I hear Mukda tell Dad angrily, "I don't care about her! I don't care if she goes to college or wants a car! I don't care if she out on da street! She's nothing! She wants to change the world! She can't do that because she can't change herself! She won't be successful!"

At this, I lauged. Here's this ridiculous woman who verbally abuses my little sisters all the time, tell me that I'll amount to NOTHING!?
She heard me laugh, and turned to my dad demanding, "Why she laughing!?" She burst into my room, her eyes firey. "Why you laughing!?"
I looked at her but didn't hide the you're-ridiculous-this-is-bullshit face. I didn't say a word tho because I'd just been told to "never speak to her again." I just shook my head sadly with disgust and turned away to continue packing.
"You CRAZY," Mukda suddenly spat. "You crazy person." I tried to ignore her. "You're mom called me once and say u crazy and I don't believe her until now." She lifted her chin and gave me a smirk, as my feelings flashed across my face. Her comments hurt- even if they were lies.
"You always sick and crazy. And you want to know something- know why Sam break up with you? Because you crazy. You'll never keep a boyfriend 'cause you crazy." With that she saunted away, slammed the front door and left to go shopping with her girlfriends.

Dad told me to pack my bags which I did mechancially. On the drive back to Burkittsville, we were silent until half way he tells me, "You know, the reason you're coming out here is because you wouldn't let Mukda finish. You should have let her finish." Yea, right, let her scream at Kara for hours 'cause she didn't offer her breakfast away. No thanks.
"Somebody should have stepped in to neautralize the situation, Dad. You just stand there always and never say a word."
"Well, you made it escalade to this. You did. And because of you, you're cut off from the family. You've disafiliated yourself."
"I don't care."
"Well, you've made yourself a stranger to us- and you've not going to Thailand with us (the summer vacation)."
He dropped me off with my stuff as quickly as he could, without a goodbye. Mom was there luckly and assured me that she loved me no matter what- and that I'd always have a family with her and the kids.

(SIGH) Whoahoo...sorry about the long entry. But yea, that's the story.
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