Title: Revelation Drabbles 5-6
Author: Firelit_dreams
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Adam/Kris
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: A series of drabbles based on the
25moments prompts.
Word Count: Each drabble is 100 words
Author's Notes: This series will be a collection of 100 word Kradam drabbles that are all snippets related thoughts and events. Some from Adam's POV, some from Kris'. It won't use all 25 prompts because I already posted a completely unrelated one before. I'll try to post at least one new drabble from this series at least once a week, while I work on other bigger projects.
1-4 are here 18. Bed
"You're drunk." Adam stated, pulling away from Kris. "You need to go sleep it off."
"It won't change anything."
Kris Allen was going to be the death of him. Was Kris saying what he thought he was? He needed to know for sure but he needed a sober Kris to do that. He jerked back as Kris grabbed his hand again and tried to pull him closer. Adam sighed as Kris pouted.
"Bed now, Kris."
"Couldn’t agree more." Kris grinned at him, grabbing his wrist and tugging him in the direction of his bedroom.
"Alone. We'll talk about this tomorrow."
12. Pain
Kris groaned he really drank too much last night. His room was dark though. Why was his room dark? His curtains didn't block out that much light.
"'Morning, Kris!" Adam's voice, entirely too cheerful filled the room, the throbbing in his head increased. The room filled with light as the curtains opened.
"Close the damn curtains." He knew where he was now.
"No," Adam said, standing over him.
"Adam!" Kris knew he was whining but who'd have guessed Adam would be so unsympathetic to a hangover.
"Time to get up."
"I hate you."
"That's not what you said last night."
Drabbles 7-9