I'm having kind of a crappy day due to math. I spent 3 hours today writing instructions on how to make cuts into folded paper to get the proper pattern when you unfold it. It sucked big time when I got to the snowflakes. I meant to make a post yesterday about Bleach, but I didn't have time so I'll have to write it today when its pretty much old news. Under the cut for spoilers
Ok,up until episode 70, the Bleach fillers were totally sucking. However, now Rukia is back and somehow this episode was soooo much better than the previous ones. Don't get me wrong, I still have major issues with the filler arc. They're pretty much ruining everything that happens in the manga. I have no idea how they're going to get back into the real story line. I love the fact that Rukia's back, but I loved their reunion in the manga. I really wish they would have kept that the same. They're also totally screwing up Ishida.
Well, tomorrow will hopefully be better. I'm going to Phoenix to visit my best buddy and to go to the Matsuri held there every year. I hope it will be fun.