I need a remedy!

Apr 29, 2009 11:50

I'm SICK, again! This sucks, especially since I got into the Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine program and it's next week.

This is serious, people. I NEED to get better by this weekend. I've been taking Zicam (both the nose gel stuff and the liquid but I just ran out of the liquid) and drinking OJ and taking some vitamin C.

Question for my FL - how else can I make sure I get better soon??

For those curious about the program I'll be doing, it's basically like a week long information session about the realities of vet school and what kinds of careers you could have with a vet degree. Plus hands-on animal experience, so I NEED to be healthy or they might not let me see the animals!!

Here's a sample schedule for the adult session

health, vet

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