Stolen from Ads.
What should I call you?
Call me Cat...Kitty Cat. Prowr? Er, no...just call me Cat.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Albany, NY. Most of you know that already. Most times I live in my head though...I'm kinda spacey like that. Especially when I'm trying to NOT concentrate on work.
What do you do with your time?
Oooo, let's see...lately it's a lot of the same. I work at a lab (going on 6 years now...god, get me out of here) all day, which usually consists of me alternately trying to find some actual work to do and me goofing around on LJ or Amazon of youtube. Then I go to class some last class, statistics. OMG, SO EASY. I'm so glad I saved the easy one for last. Then I go home and spend a lot of my time with Joe, or Emmy, or all my other friends. Joe and I hang out a lot on the weekends. Lately I spend a lot of my time watching Lost (and only Lost since nothing else is on) and the bazillion new DVDs I just got, playing WoW (gah, I'm addicted), reading many of the books on my "to read" list (but not enough...I have SUCH a stockpile of books), catching up on my LJ friends, going to trivia, and playing Rockband occasionally with Joe's friends. Ooo, and I went to NYC twice in the last week...once to go to Mary Cooley's bacon party and again to go see Avenue Q. Which was omgsogood. :)
What are some things you like to talk about? (in your LJ)
Hmmm...I like to talk about just about anything that pops into my head. Work, my family, my sister, Mizti (awwww), movies that I watch, LOST, etc, etc. Lately it's all very random, and usually quite boring. Like this meme for instance. I'm not being very funny or witty. I think I lost my funny!! The "real world" sucked it right out of me.
What are some things you don't like to talk about? (in your LJ)
Oddly enough I rarely talk about Joe on my LJ, but that's not because I don't like to talk about him. I just don't happen to post about him very often. Maybe I'll have to change that. There's very little that I wouldn't talk about here. If it's too private for the general public, I just friends lock it.
Anything else you think I should know about you?
Nope! Most of you know enough about me as it is. But if there's anything you don't know and you want to, go ahead and ask. Maybe your questions will be more interesting than these responses.
Ok, ok, I can think of some things that you just have to know...I like mint chocolate chip ice cream, mostly in the summer. I love Pretty In Pink...unlike most people who's favorite is 16 Candles, I don't even really like that one all that much. PiP and Some Kind of Wonderful are my favorite 80's movies. Well, those and Breakfast Club of course. When I play Clue I ALWAYS play Miss Scarlet. No exceptions. I am similar to a cat in a couple ways...I do NOT like getting wet in the rain, and I purr. My roots are scarily overdue for a dye job. Seriously. Thank god I don't go blond anymore or I'd look like trailer trash Barbie. When I was little I had such a crush on Christian Slater, and yet I haven't watched one of his movies in YEARS. I can't do any of those fun bar tricks like tying a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue or flipping quarters over your knuckles, but I'm very good at doing things (like picking things up and opening doors) with my toes. I have monkey toes, forreals. I am oddly good at certain things when I do them for the first time (chess, pool, beer pong) but then never again. Actually, that's not true. I was awesome at beer pong all through college. Then I got out and lost my touch. Oh's not really a marketable skill anyway. Pet peeves of mine: couples who walk in the mall with their entire bodies glued together, hands in each others back pockets; people who baby talk their children when they should just be telling them "no"; people who don't believe in turn signals; people on trains or planes who stand up in the aisle WELL before the thing stops...they make me anxious. Where the hell do they think they're going?