May 10, 2007 08:54
Guess who has two thumbs and doesn't have to take an Orgo final? This guy!
Okay, so that wasn't as effective without the hand gestures. But final for me!! YAY!
I missed our last class on Monday because I was stuck at work. So I went on studying as normal until I got an email on Tuesday night from a friend in class that said our professor made the final optional!! :) We had until 11am on Wednesday to come to his office and sign a form saying that we were accepting the grade we had thus far. The good news is, I ended up with an A!
The funny thing is that since I've been studying for it, this tiny part of me kept thinking that I should take the final anyway just to see if I can do it. yeah, I don't get it either. I think I must have a masochistic side. When I mentioned that part of me wanted to take the test to my professor, he actually said to me, "Why? It's time to let go. Go have a nice summer." Hehehe, funny. And then when I mentioned that I'd never picked up my third test and maybe could I just grab it just to go over it and see what I got wrong, he says, "Just give it up already! Let it go!" Hahaha. But he did let me take it, because he knew I'd feel better. He wasn't such a bad guy...his lectures were a little all over the place but he really knew his stuff.
I'm just so excited because this means I get to go to the Tulip Festival in our local park. Joan Jett playing there on Saturday! I was going to just go down for an hour or so so I could study the rest of the weekend, but now I get to go all day! Music, food, crafty things, yay!
Now I can only hope that my summer classes go this well. Gulp.