Jan 08, 2007 01:20
well......i just got done with a very depressing IM conversation with my best guy friend. im soooo upset that hes stuck in iraq. i feel even worse that i cant connect with him, i cant feel the things hes feeling, i cant feel the pain and guilt and grief and anger that he feels. all i know is that when he comes back, the guy i once knew will not be coming home. that guy died, and this new person wearing his skin is coming back, calus and cold. ohhhh....i just cant help but feel very depressed. i hate it, and more of my friends r going and i want to warn them....i want to tell them no and have them go home.....i want this all to stop so my friend and everyone else friends, mothers, fathers, brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, ect. can just come back and be happy. my friend is never going to feel things the same way, and no one even cares. our president is just some self centered little peniswrinkle of a man to know wat real pain is. i just feel soo hurt, but i cant do anything....i dont even know wat to write my friend, nothing brings him satisfaction. ohhhhhhh......i wish i could do something.
on a lighter note: jamie came over to help take care of me. it was very sweet, and i couldnt have asked for more......tomorrow im supposedly going to get a tatt with my girlie lisa....it should be interesting....lets see if we do it.lol...friday is me and jamies 7month!....happiness...
well i must be off...see u all later