Back home.

Dec 17, 2010 12:15

Arrived Wednesday night RIGHT on time. The flights all went fairly well, aside from my sprint-a-thon in Dallas. We even got there early, which made me think I had plenty of time to slip outside for a quick cigarette and talk to Pops on the phone, but as I was looking around, I noticed that the airport in Dallas is FUCKING huge and I jumped on the next shuttle to the D gates. It took about fifteen minutes to get over there. At 7:15, I finally got through the scanners and to my gate. They were loading on the remaining passengers. Unfortunately, this left me no time at all to eat. I almost made it through The Catcher in the Rye. Second read-through.
No morons sat next to me. Just two, small, quiet girls both times. The girl next to me on the way to Dallas was adorable--she was trying to open this bag of Cheese-Its for like ten minutes (I didn't have any scissors, or I would've offered to help.
She started to chew through the bag and eventually got it.

However, I stand by my suggestion that they should offer baby-free flights at a slightly increased cost. Sometimes you really don't want to be stuck on a plane with a baby screaming bloody murder the entire trip. Especially when you don't have headphones.

Being back in Indianapolis has been a real breath of fresh air. I fucking love downtown--the circle, the lights, the horse-and-buggies. Also, I love being back at Justin's hanging out with he and Vicki and other pieces of the gang. I saw Matthew yesterday at Panera (haha, it was strange to be at Panera--seeing all of the old coworkers).
We drank Wednesday night with Dad, Trisha, and Raymond and I felt like hell all of yesterday as a result. HOLYFUCKINGSHIT that was way way way too much Guinness. Never again.
Vicki, Raymond, and I closed down the bar--they actually let us stay until 3:22am.

Right now there are quite a few people staying with Justin. Christina and Dustin are moving in and Mike and Taylor are moving out. As a result--there's stuff all over the place. Ralphie got in from Pittsburgh last night and we played Charades until 3am. Wine and fun.
I think we might go see Black Swan today. I sure fuckin' hope so.

I guess the biggest realization is that being home makes me appreciate it that much more. I always did to some degree, and I even took advantage of what this place had to offer, but at the same time, I knew I wanted a way out.
And I'm so very glad I did get out.
This is the place that made me. Seeing all the snow and the shuffling makes me giddy:

Winters when Grandma Bev took us to the symphony to see A Christmas Carol,
driving through downtown everyday on my way to IUPUI, the city Christmas lights,
building ramps in the hill at Braeburn Village and injuring ourselves,
hot hot chocolate and chai at Starbucks, watching the snow fall.
Walking through that blizzard last year
to work, and having my chef come pick me up because he could actually be nice
when he REALLY wanted to be.
Natalie careening through the embankments in her car and making me almost wet myself,
that time Paul drove us across the town so we could go to free pizza night in Broad Ripple
and there was a nastly layer of ice on the road
and we didn't die.
that time Jeremy and I went sledding at Butler and my teeth froze from smiling down the hill.
Standing at the bus stop freezing our petunias off and sharing a cigarette,
mornings when someone forgot to bring a cigarette to share.
W. Lafayette's Great Blizzard of 2007 when school got canceled for two days
and we lived behind the liquor store,
walking from W. Lafayette to 11th in Lafayette through the snow and cold
to see Valdespino and play Mad Libs,
Heather and I huddled in my snow-covered car outside the dorms smoking bowls
listening to Muse and Dispatch,
Nick leaning his head out the window in 12-degree January and throwing up down the side of my car,
Amy and I sledding on Slater Hill and watching kids use shopping carts and lunch trays for sleds,
the CROWN VIC getting stuck in my alley and having to walk to work everyday
and LIKING it.
Walking to class with snot freezing in my nose and fifteen layers and being BOILING hot when I got into the building from aftershock and too many layers
and drinking my coffee and feeling completely content.
That time we snowball fought until I may have slightly wet my pants from laughing so hard
and didn't give a shit,
Ben, Sammy, and I building snowmen in the yard and watching them skinnier and skinnier when it got warm,
building forts in the snow and being shocked at how warm it was in there,
Mom using her cassette cases to scrape off the window,
red, Rudolph noses once indoors,
singing Christmas songs in the choir,
watching Christmas Vacation and Home for the Holidays and Micky's Christmas Carols.
Dad taking us to Chicago that year and showing us how to walk backwards and not die from wind bite.

Man o man, I missed you, Indianapolis.
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