fannie packs

Nov 03, 2010 15:49

I guess it would help to have some sort of commitment, but let's face it, not a strong suit. My mother has disclosed to me that she plans on filing for divorce this Friday in light of some events that went down this weekend when Chad came over, cooked dinner, and proceeded to get scathingly drunk with the last bit of money ma had to her name.
Chad went in the other room to get some "water" he said and came back with a beer that he opened and poured on ma's head and also onto her clean bed. While she screamed at him to get out of the house, the cops must have been called by a neighbor, he fell down the stairs in his hazy stupor.
He sat on the bed of the truck, legs swinging, when two squad cars pulled up. He pointed back at the apartment and said, "She pushed me down the fucking stairs, I'm pressing charges if she doesn't give me the keys to my car back." Yes, the car he had given her as an "I'm sorry for being an ass" gift.

So they collect the keys and she asks for her keys back in return. Chad's parents came and picked him up because he was obviously not in the shape to be driving.
The police told ma that she would have to be legally divorced to keep him off her property even though he isn't on the lease. I guess marriage trespasses those lines.

So that happened.

Proposition 19 failed with a 46.1%/53.9% split. That's close in percent, but a half million vote difference. Many of these votes were people who didn't think their vote would matter or didn't want to take the time to go out and give themselves a voice in this state.
This isn't to say that this was the only important proposition, but one that would have made history and tons of money for CA's economy.
Prop 21 also failed to pass which would have funded National Parks with $18 per vehicle registered in CA, gaining free admission for CA residents. Can't be giving our money to those silly parks. Pshhhh. 18 bucks! It costs $20 to get into Yosemite once. Yes, not everyone goes to parks, but this important land that needs funding to be maintained. There was a big difference in Prop 23. Most people agreed that suspending air pollution control was a really shitty idea.

Both have to do with the environment. One simply threatens the human population much more than the other. Fuck those trees and animals, I just care about my damned self!

And then the future will be peppered with burning forests, mechanical limbs, and laser beams.
And dead animals everywhere.

Ok ok ok, getting dramatic.

Kim said I should do a writing exercise, which was the point in getting on here in the first place, and I got sidetracked by the plethora of things that are happening right now in lives both close and far.

Prompt: When did you first realize what it meant to be a girl?

Well, Kim, I followed up a boy in the line my parents created. In the beginning I was cloaked in girls, boys, and unisex clothing alike. This is what establishes you, after all, when you barely have any hair and your genitals are diapered. We'll slather her in pink. Well, my ma wasn't really into that sort of thing. I had a lot of yellow (one of those neutral colors).
I cried when my parents put me in dresses and patent leather shoes.
I didn't like baby dolls or barbies are even pink, for that matter.

I like animals.
Bambi and Dumbo were my first favorite Disney movies.

So when did I realize what it MEANT to be a girl?
I suppose once I developed my friendship with Amanda, I realized the difference between boys and girls. Ben, also, had friends who scoffed at having a girl around. Our separation was apparent through our friendships. When were in our own home surrounded by our own things, we mixed everything together. There were no dichotomies. We were just rolling around in gray area.

My mom began to put me in activities like girl scouts where we'd make cookies and use fabric paint on fannie packs. Ben and Sam wanted to join in on things like that, but the boys weren't allowed. I like feeling exclusive, but I guess I never really thought about other than our genders, why they couldn't be a part of such activities.
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