Vegas trip

Oct 20, 2006 08:18

Quick note to giogio I used your comp to write this since I already turned off my comp and am figuring I don't have much time before getting picked up by redarius.

Heading to vegas for the weekend to go to a thingy with people from the guild I am in on World of Warcrack. Actually I have to take homework with me so I will spend some of the vacation in the hotel working on that but it will also be a great excuse to run and hide if all the people start being too much. Had a conversation with giogio this morning before she went to work which went something like this

When are you getting back?
uhmm, Sunday or Monday
(she rolls her eyes)
Ok, well, where are you staying?
Uhmm, no idea.
(she rolls her eyes again)

LOL, just a little difference in what is a priority for knowing when going on a little trip. For me it was to make sure she didn't need to have the hairdryer while I was gone so I could put up my hawk...Which is actually what led to the asking where we were staying. Also had a conversation the other night about the typical gamer image person's reaction to me and the gay punk thing. They already know about the hair kind of. This is because of an incident while being in a raid and bleaching my hair at the same time. The bleach was in for a little too long and finally I was "omg, brb, need to wash my hair the bleach is burning my head!!!" From that they got the story of how I change my hair color quite often.

Then she asked about if they knew I was gay. I said I didn't act gay but she responded that after a few beers I would probably have my tongue down someone's throat, which I could only laugh at =) Anyway, time to finish packing for vegas.

YAY for an update that isn't focused on school!! (except for the homework comment and this little one)
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