Mar 06, 2006 22:24
My week got slightly less hellish:
Parente moved the France exam back to Friday. But I still have that INDUSTRIAL MANCHESTER WAS HELL paper and the OMG WTF METAPHYSICS? exam on Wednesday. And in class today he announced that the low grade on the last exam was 26, which made me feel better about my 86.
Apparently everyone goes to the god damn extra credit movies. Guess what, assholes. Some of us work for a living and can't. Eff yeah.
Anyway, Brad, Dana, Chris and I are working on starting out own company. We will make t shirts to sell at open mic night at the Aroma Cafe. It will be called WeakTees or something similar. It is in infancy. I am bringing this up because Chris said something quite funny when we were talking about it:
Chris: Wait, why aren't I involved in this venture?
Me: I don't know. You were never much into the whole T shirt thing.
Chris: Not the point. You're starting a business without a Jew? When you have one readily available?
Oh Chris. You have a point. We need a Jew.
This all started as a joke but I think we're actually getting serious about it now. We have a lot of designs thought up and lots of doors are opening. Here's pimping random shit to indie kids, y'all.
In other news, I judged a speech and debate tournament and Wallenpaupak (sp?) on Saturday. It was nice to get away from god damn Sesame Street Live, and it was also nice: 50 dollars cold in my hand, free food, and destroying kids dreams. Laura (from prep and the U) was there judging for prep, and we both realized in horror that we turned into Whittaker when we judged these kids. That ain't a nice experience.
I judged a third round original oratory (my old event). The last previous judge in the room took forever getting out, so I had the kids draw for speaking order in the hall. They found this hilarious. Finally she left and I had the kids do the whole writing their shit on the boards as I copied it onto their ballots. It was so weird to be on the other side, man. Anyway, first was a black girl with a speech impediment. Her speech was on women's rights. She spoke pretty terribly, but the content was pretty good. After her speech she asked if she could go to the bathroom. I said sure, and we waited for her for about fifteen minutes before going on. She never came back. The next girl was this tough number probably from one of the Philly schools. She spoke on the constitution and had this weird shruggy delivery. It broke my heart when she didn't really have a good hold on her speech because she had a lot of natural talent. She was a lot more natural and conversational than the girls I was forced to give first and second place to. Plus she had a reasonably good grasp on the Constitution, which I am a total nerd about.
One girl did a speech on names. I gave her last place.
The one guy in the round did a speech on censorship in America. His speech was called Censorship In America. He spoke incredibly quickly, occasionally yelled, and sat his ass down. I overheard him in the hall while we were waiting for the room, saying in the last round he sounded like "such a Communist." This kid is clearly retarded. I made a note for him to calm the fuck down and check out Operation Mockingbird. The girls I was forced to give first and second to did horseshit speeches: first place went to a girl who talked about her trip to Africa. The intro was this overdramatic bit about talking to some girl. She wrapped it up by implying that life in South Africa is somehow richer or better than that of the United States. Hey, bitch. One word. AIDS. Had to give her first, though.
Then came a lot of sitting, free soup, and talking to bus drivers.
Then I got ushered into judging the semi-final round for oral interpretation (where kids read from a script or prose or whatever). I was dreading it, but it turned out good. The kids were talented, and the best, clearly, was this girl who I remember was under the wing of Erin Carr when I was a senior. She's this tiny little thing with a pixie cut who did this incredibly powerful selection from a story about a 16 year old lesbian who's ladyfriend dies in a fire. Sounds dramatic and bleh, I know, but the kid pulled it off. Not to mention the fact that right in front of her were too huge diesel dykes.
After that I got my money and went the fuck home. Drove home with Colin Esgro. That was surreal. We talked about law school, the Democratic party, China, and safe nuclear power. I swear I thought I dreamed it.
All right I ran out of stuff to talk about. But I am listening to Oasis.