Feb 12, 2005 21:29
I went home for the weekend on Friday.
After dropping off T.O. at Caitlin's place, I got a call from my mom ordering me to go with her to my dead-beat uncle's apartment from where I just got evicted. I had to help him move out, and guard his crap, for over 5 hours. It fucking sucked.
Today, I had to help split logs with my dad. Hauling massive pieces of lumber and driving a wedge into them was exactly what I was looking forward to, not doing my laundry and shopping for a new pair of desperately needed headphones.
After the third 100+ pound log was dropped on my foot "accidentally" by my dad, I went, as they used to say in the nineties, postal. I screamed "FUCK!" as loud as a I possibly could, ran inside, removed my yet-to-be-dried laundry, and fucking left. I couldn't stand to be in that house another second. I have never, in my entire 19 years, ever wanted to leave that house nearly as much as this afternoon. Fuck the traffic, screw the laundry, and to hell with the thoroughly bruised foot.
I *had* to leave.
I wanted to pick up the errant machete used to cleave bothersome, half-split logs and commit suicide a la Brutus.
I went home to deal with my problems and no one else's. And what happens? I get roped into moving my uncle's clown portraits into a shitty U-haul that burns engine oil worse than my old Camry and create firewood (of which we already have an excess amount) for four hours so my dad is slightly less at risk of a heart attack.
And that's not all!
I have to endure a home-work riddled weekend back here in Athens while I get to hear loud-mouthed frat-tards talk about all the pussy they're going to get on Valentine's day.
I clearly remember several of my friends and I bitching about how retarded St. V's day is back at Walton. Now? Well, to put it gently, I won't be hearing from any of them for the next 36 hours because of it. No guy complains about Valentine's day when he has someone to put his dick into.
So my question to you is this... Which is more wrong: me *always* complaining about Valentine's day or others stopping their complaining after they meet someone?