I was right

Oct 11, 2004 15:59

I said last night that I would be having a bad day because I stayed up so late and I was right. I missed two classes that I need to go to because I slept through my alarm. Oh well.

In other news I have decided that at the end of each post I am going to recommend at least one story from one of my fandoms. The stories might be slash or they might not be but I will make sure to say what it is and what the rating is. After today the recommendations are going to be behind a cut so if you don't want to see them you don't have to. Today I am going to post one from Harry Potter, Queer as Folk, and Buffy.

For Queer as Folk I am recommending Moonshadow Woman's In the Beginning. It is an awesome AU Brian/Justin fic. My only warning is that it is AU so the characters are slightly different from canon and it is R-NC-17.

For Harry Potter I am recommending Sabershadowkat's Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin. It is an awesome PG-13 Harry/Draco slash story. It is long but it is worth it.

For Buffy I am recommending Karen's Camp Killalot. It is the first story in a totally hilarious series. The other two stories in the series are Here We Come to Save the Day and Freakazoid High. All three stories are wonderful. Camp and Here We Come are pure BtVS featuring mainly Dawn/Conner while Freak is a HP/BtVS crossover. The rating I would give them would be pg-13 for Camp, R for Here We Come, and R-NC-17 for Freak.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
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