warning: this is a long post with no cut. sorry.

Aug 25, 2009 21:52

I've been back from vacation for three days and it already seems like months ago! It was good - not great, but not bad, either. I wasn't super thrilled with the new place we were staying, but I did enjoy the lazy river, which we nicknamed the pee-pee river and sang many songs about. I also enjoyed the beach, moderately (I'm not really a huge ocean person), barefoot landing (although we weren't there too much), hamburger joe's, mini golf, my queen size bed & balcony, being on the 13th floor, and family time. Things I didn't enjoy was our crappy waitress at joe's crab shack, the largeness of the building & the number of people in it, the drive, and family time. ;) Family time is good, but can be frustrating at times in close quarters!

The day after we returned, my dad traded in the van for cash for clunkers. I miss my van!! :( But there was no way anyone would pay us $4500 for that van under other circumstances, and since all but one dealership around us had stopped doing the program, we had to act quickly. This is the first time we've ever had a new car in the family. Doesn't matter, I won't be driving it.

Speaking of driving, we've spoken to Geico about my accident. The fault is 100% on the other woman, which is good, so we will probably be getting between $200 and $500 from Geico. We're not getting the car repaired, but my dad is going to bang it out until it's drivable again. ...great...

After a month and a half of me waiting for a third day to be added to my work in white plains, I started looking for another job and have a few things in the pipeline. Which is of course when they were all, word, do you want another day? Not so good timing! As it is, they will be lucky if I stay my two days, if the job that I am hoping for comes through. Which I will talk about if and when it comes through. Fingers crossed.

I'm really worried about Misky - she's not eating well, she's a little more lethargic than usual, and she's sleeping the whole night on my bad. This last part is nice, but she's never done that before. She's still pretty young for an indoor cat (12 years or so), but...

Dennis is going away to college on Thursday. I can't believe it's so soon. I wish him well with it, but I have no idea how it will go. I do worry about him in the social aspect, because he already has a history of not holding his alcohol. I don't want him to be one of the masses who drinks a lot in college. What I want probably won't matter all that much, if at all. I also worry about him academically. If his grades are less than a 3.0, he loses his tennis scholarship and my dad will yank him out. I do think that being away from home will help him grow up, which he needs, as well as being away from some of his friends here, who he claims to not like any more but still hangs out with. I am very interested to see how he will be when he comes home for the first time. I wonder how I was.

With him heading off to college for the first time, and everyone heading back, I'm feeling rather upset and nostalgic, not really in a good way. I'm having regrets for the way I handled things. I vaguely regret that I left Loyola, because I would have been a theatre major and that would have been great. It couldn't be any less lucrative than my current occupation, anyway. I love Fordham though, so ultimately I'm glad I transferred. But I missed out on so much of Fordham. Last year was great, but I wasted a year and a half there, not really experiencing or doing things or even learning all that much. Because I was in a rush to get out, I didn't take that many classes and explore. I didn't make many friends or participate in many things. I generally was a non-entity for the first year and a half there. It makes me sad, but it makes me not want to miss out or regret anything else. I'm trying to figure out what I want and what to do about it.

In more trivial but no less grave news, Star Trek does not make it to DVD until mid-november. This is most upsetting for me.
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