So a week ago I posted about
making nacatoli. This morning I get the following email in my inbox:
Hello, I was doing a search on google to compare recipes with the one my family uses and the ONLY link that was found led me to your live journal page - I too am from Italy and make the nacatoli but have never found anyone else who calls them that name. Some people call them crispini(similar cookie) or Wanz (same recipe). Anyway, I thought I would let you know that you spelled it correctly and yes, there are others who make them. I have never had them with the orange honey but look forward to trying it - Thanks!
Enjoy them and Merry Christmas :)
How cool is that? Now I've got to email Aunt S and ask her what region Mama is from, and email my correspondent and ask her (I'm assuming) the same thing. I'm guessing 'nacatoli' is a regional name variation.