Jul 29, 2011 14:26
I don't like Twilight, and think Edward/Bella have a very unhealthy relationship. There are many examples of Edward's controlling behavior, such as when he forced Bella to go to the prom against her will and destroyed her truck to prevent her from seeing Jacob. Worse yet, Bella never tells him his behavior is wrong. She just takes it. However, there are reasons why their relationship is the way it is.
First off, Edward has a need to be needed. He likes people to depend on him. He wants to keep Bella human, not out of concern for her soul or because she wants her to have a good, long human life---but because he hates the vampiric side of himself, and wants to keep Bella weak so that she will depend on him. Bella is clumsy, always getting into danger and hurting herself, which attracts Edward because he wants to be her knight in shining volvo. He likes saving her life not because he wants her to live, but because being able to protect her gives him moral comfort. And the reason why he wants moral comfort is because he is a vampire, and being changed into a vampire made Edward feel morally inferior to others.
And the reason why Bella doesn't usually think Edward's behavior as wrong is because subconciously she is seeking out a father figure in Edward. This is because all her life, she's spent her life taking care of her childish mother, Renee, while her father, Charlie, was absent. So Edward's controlling behavior, in a way, feels the gap left by Charlie's absence. If she had a proper father figure growing up, she would see Edward's behavior for what it is and call him out on it, or even break up with him because of it. But because she spent most of her childhood taking care of her single mother, she subconciously allows Edward to control much of her life.
father figure,