MBTI types of Star Wars and Harry Potter characters

Dec 17, 2011 13:58

I used to really be into the MBTI. I am still into it, although not as much as before. I am an IXFP. MBTI tells you whether you are Introverted or Extraverted, Sensing or Intuiting, Feeling or Thinking, Judging or Perceiving. If you are not familiar with MBTI, go here: http://www.personalitypage.com/html/info.html And there is also Jugian cognitive function theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungian_cognitive_functions

Now, I am going to type all the Star Wars and Harry Potter characters. If I'm unsure of the person's preference, I'll put an X in that spot.

Star Wars characters:

Anakin/Darth Vader: ESXP
Obi Wan: ISTJ
Padme: ENFJ
Yoda: INTP
Qui Gon: ENXP
Shmi: INFJ
Palpatine/Darth Sidious: INTJ
Luke: INFP
Leia: ESTJ
Han Solo: ISTP
Ashoka: ESFP

Harry Potter characters:

Harry: ISFP
Hermione: ISTJ
Ginny: ESTP
Neville: ISFP
Luna Lovegood: INTP
Twins(Fred and George): ENTP
Snape: INTJ
Dumbledore: INFJ
Remus: INFP
Sirius: ENXP
Lily: INFP(often typed as a INFJ, but is more of a INFP because you can see her Fi)
James: ESTP
Draco: ESTJ
Voldemort: INTJ
Vernon: ESTJ
Petunia: ISTJ(though she might be a ISFJ)
Dudley: ESTP

Keep in mind that these typings are not solid...I might change them over time.

jugian cognitive function theory, harry potter, mbti theory, star wars

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