Oct 11, 2011 21:29
Now, we all know that Anakin didn't quit the Jedi Order until he turned Sith...but I think there's an explanation for that. I've already contempelated that part of it is because he needed to become a Master in order to save Padme, but I think it's also because he didn't want to leave Palpatine or Obi Wan. Especially Obi Wan. Why? Well, there was a war going on, and Anakin didn't need to just protect the Republic from the Sepratists...but also, to him, perhaps he needed to stay a Jedi until the Clone Wars were over, and he and Obi Wan were The Team; he didn't want to leave him to deal with it on his own.
In fact, I think he might have even wanted to do so that he could be there to protect Obi Wan, and save him just in case he got in danger. He already felt guilty about not freeing Shmi from slavery, so why would he abandon Obi Wan when there was a war going on? What people forget is how Anakin has saved Obi Wan's life several times, probably more than he has saved all his other loved ones such as Padme, Ashoka, and Palpatine. Anakin isn't only overly protective of Padme at times, he is overly protective of all his loved ones, and that includes Obi Wan. In the ROTS novel, for example, Anakin wanted to keep Obi Wan from going on the mission to destroy Grevious, not just because of something like bravado and wanted to do it himself, but because he was worried that Obi Wan would die from it.
Here's some content from the novel that shows my point:
It wasn't that he really wanted to go with Obi Wan to Utapau---even though it'd be a relief to pull out of the political quagmie that was sucking him down. But how could he leave Padme now? He didn't even care anymore about being the Jedi to capture Grevious, though such a feat would almost certainly bring him his Mastery. He was no longer certain he needed to be a Master at all.
Through his long, black hours of meditation last night---meditation that was often indistinguishable from brooding---he had begun to sense a deeper truth within the Force: a submerged reality, lurking like a Sarlacc beneath the sunlit sands of Jedi training.
Somewhere down there was was all the power he would ever need.
So no, it wasn't that he wanted to go. It was more, inexpliciably, that he wanted Obi Wan to stay.
There was a cold void in his chest that he was afraid would soon fill with regret, and grief.
obi wan,