(no subject)

Oct 17, 2006 13:02

-Closest red thing to you?: The bed sheets.
-Last thing that made me angry?: Like... really angry, or just upset? If I'm going with angry, then... uh... duno. o.o
-Do you have a temper?: A very miniscule one.
-Last warning you were given?: Warning about next month's rent.
-Ever been in love?: Undecided, but probably.
-Are you a fan of romance?: I like romantic movies, does that count?

-Closest orange thing to you?: My Kyo Plushie (Yeah, that's the one I own)
-Do you like to burn things?: In a controlled environment.
-Dress up for halloween?: Yep
-Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: I like snugs... ^^
-Do you have anything against ginger hair?: Nah
-Are you usually full of energy?: Depends... I go from totally energy-less, to filled with it. :3

-Closest yellow thing to you?: My Momiji plushie
-The happiest time of your life?: High school
-memory over others? No idea
-Favourite holiday?: Christmas.
-What makes you smile?: Pretty colors, accomplishing something, and seeing my friends.
-Are you a coward?: Could be.
-Do you burn or tan?: Burn, as far as I know.

-Closest green thing to you?: My Cactaur plushie (Wow... I've got a good chunk of plushies...)
-Do you care about the environment?: Yeah, I do... I'm one of the only people I know who practically never litters. (Another being nschappy
-Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Not really... well, maybe Opera or Bill Gates... having that much cash can't be all too bad... ;)
-Are you a lucky person?: Maybe?
-Do you always want what you can't have: Usually.
-Do you like being outdoors?: Yes... well, when it's comfortable.. it's too cold right now.

-Closest blue thing to you?: My iPod (the protective case is blue)
-Are you good at calming people down?: I think so.
-Do you like the sea?: Yes.
-Last thing that made you cry?: Hmm... this is a toughie... if it's crying in general, just laughing really hard. The last thing that made me cry out of sadness, though... hmm... that was a while ago, I don't remember anymore.
-Are you a logical thinker?: Yes and no. It depends on the situation.
-Can you sleep easily?: Once I'm asleep, yes. I just tend to have a problem getting to sleep initially.

-Closest purple thing to you?: The wings on my moogle plushie.
-Like being treated to expensive things?: Da. ^^
-Do you like mysterious things?: Hmm... yes, if it's possible for me to solve it. I like a brain teaser.
-Favourite type of chocolate?: Milk chocolate.
-Ever met anyone in royalty?: Yes/no. I know someone who was knighted, does that count?
-Are you creative?: Yes

-Closest pink thing to you?: I see nothing pink in my room, other than me.
-Are you gay/bisexual?: Gay
-Do you like sweet foods?: Hellz yes... sugar covered gummi bears, please! :D
-Like play-fighting?: Sometimes.
-Are you sensitive?: Yes.
-Do you like punk music?: No.

-Closest white thing to you?: Moogle plushie!
-Would you say you're innocent?: *hides the bodies* Wait, what?
-Always try to keep the peace?: Peace :)
-How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one: At a ski resort. Whistler, if it can be afforded.
-Do you like to play in the snow?: I'm willing to jump outside, in the snow, with boxers on. :D
-Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: Not really. I'm used to it.

-Closest black thing to you?: The computer speakers.
-Ever enjoy hurting people?: Hardly.
-Are you sophisticated or silly?: depends on the situation.
-Afraid of death?: Not scared, exactly... more like... nervous.
-Would you like to go to space: Nope.
-Do you have a lot of secrets?: I have a couple.

*As the day draws to a close...*
-What is your favorite color?: Blue
-Does the color you wear affect your mood: No
-What color are your bedroom walls?: White. I hate it...
-You prefer contrasting or harmonizing colors?: Depends. usually harmonizing, but contrasting can look good on a painting.
-Do you like to paint?: yes
-What color do you think best symbolizes your personality?: Huh... odd. No idea. Possibly white or black, or some sahde of grey... not colors, but neutrals... they can be either warm, or cool... so yeah. :)
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