A Partial Retraction

Jul 29, 2010 22:37

singingdragon was nice enough to remind me that I was wrong. (Don't you get tired of being right all the time?)

In my previous post, I blamed Annie for being insufficiently supportive. I do feel that her anxiety made things more difficulty, but I was also trying to do something that was, more or less, impossible. She is very supportive and has stood by me through all the trials, tribulations, and poverty, and I owe her better appreciation than I gave her in that last post. So, to Annie, I apologize.

In happier news, we were overwhelmed by the incredible support we got from many friends. Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to not only eat but keep the electricity and phones on! Thank you very much to everyone who helped out. It means more to us than I can say.
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