How Lucky I Am

Feb 08, 2009 01:57

Sometimes it is important to pause and look around and realize how lucky I am.

When I talk to people in the gaming industry about the idea of an all-volunteer run game store, people look at me like I'm crazy. It's not possible. It can't work. People won't put in the effort. It's too much effort to make it work.

Yet, Worlds Apart is coming up on its first anniversary and still going strong. Sure, it's not the tightest business around, but it runs better than a lot of small businesses I have seen run by paid employees. Not only are we doing what many in the know think of as impossible. We are making it look easy.

How do we make it look easy? We have the best, most dedicated people. The Worlds Apart team does what needs to get done to make this place run. Whether it's covering shifts, placing orders, cleaning up, doing bookkeeping or posting fliers, together we make it happen.

The best part is that no one complains about how hard it is. We work together, many hands making light work. To my fellow officers and all the other members of Worlds Apart Games who do the impossible every day, it is an honor and a privilege to work with you.

worlds apart

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