It's a Post About Stuff

Nov 15, 2007 03:09

I got to have a fascinating discussion of politics as they apply to the college environment tonight. Jillian, whom I met at Rocky some time ago, came over to hang out and watch a bit of 24. As I was driving her home, she was telling me that she was going to the student strike tomorrow, mostly to see what all the fuss was about. We got to talking about politics on campus, and she explained that a lot of what she heard did not sound right, but she didn't really know the facts about it and wasn't sure how to find out more. I explained a few things that I have picked up over the years, such as the way that GEO latches on to many major student dissatisfaction to promote their own agenda in exchange for using their substantial organizational ability to organize the resistance. I told her about the fallacy of the 1 in 4 rape statistic, and a few other things.

Thinking about politics and all the misinformation out there always makes me think about what I can do about it. The idea of making some kind of Youtube blog came to mind. Of course, I do not have a video camera. What I do have is sound recording and the ability to download lots of appropriate images. I'm not sure if I would have time to do it, but it might be interesting. Alternately, once I have some dough, I could get a video camera and start vloging. That might be fun. I do like talking, and people will watch anything on Youtube.

Prior to this, I ate way too much thanksgiving dinner. Obviously not real Thanksgiving, thus the lack of capitalization. I visited Fizzy at MHC and they were doing a thanksgiving style dinner with turkey, stuffing and such. I very rarely get stuffing, and it was exciting. Erin does not like stuffing, and she did most of the cooking. Stuffing is not often found at the type of restaurants I eat at. As a result, I have probably had stuffing less than 20 times in the last 5 years, and it was gooood.

Not sure why it never occurred to me to just buy stuffing and cook it, except that I don't like to just cook for myself. Perhaps I should make it here now that I am the cooky guy.

It was also very nice to see Fizzy, of course. I am very happy that we can still be close even though we are not longer dating. There really is something there, it's just very difficult to make it work.

I should make more of these real posts with real stuff in them. Perhaps I shall, or perhaps I'll forget because I am too busy.

umass, politics

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