Feb 04, 2002 18:39
Well, I just started going to Lifetime Fitness again yesterday (Sunday) and hopefully will keep it up this time. Yesterday, I met Sohrob at Lifetime and he invited me over to his house on Saturday. He was once my good friend so it shouldn't be too bad hanging out with him again. Two things have fueled my sudden urge to want to exercise. First of all, I bought this 25$ gift certificate to Models from Carlos for 15$ (good deal eh?). The reason I wanted it is because I wanted to buy this AbWheel thing I tried out in Walmart (it works well). I went to Models Saturday night and realized that what was 30$ at Walmart, was $9.99 at Models (I was happy), so I ended up buying the AbWheel, and this thing with handles and 5 springs joining them (hard to describe but everyone has seen one). After I bought those things, I felt more motivated for some reason about getting in shape. The other reason is because I realized how out of shape I was..but that is only half of it. I have been "realizing" how out of shape I was for some time now. Most people (including all my friends) didn't know that I've been toking just about every day (give or take one here and there) for about the past 2 months. Well, the thing is, everyday after school, I never felt like working out. All I felt like doing was sitting around listening to music, eating, and sleeping. All this changed last Thursday or so when my brother, Joey, and Carlos were in the usual spot and cops showed up. According to Ryan, there were three cops and both my brother and Carlos got away, but Joey got caught. This scared me because just last Monday, I had been back there with Carlos and we had a close encounter with some bike and motorcycle cops (they must have been looking for someone because they had a helicopter going around also). Anyways, my parents came back from NY on Thursday with my grandfather, so now, someone always has to be here to watch him. With no where to toke outside, and with the house always occupied, I ran out of opportunities to smoke. Last Friday was the last day I toked...and Saturday morning, I woke up pissed. I was pretty mad the whole day, until the evening. I have no idea why I was mad, I was just very testy, and I think you all know the reason. Anyways, Sunday I was fine, I decided to start going to Lifetime, and frankly I don't care anymore that after school I can't smoke...which is a good thing! I went to Lifetime today, and to my surprise I was able to run for 45 minutes on the treadmill without stopping. Even though I was only on speed 5 half of the time (6 the other half), I did it cold turkey without months of physical activity (except for a bit of really fast running, hehe).