Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakuh, and a Krazy Kwanza to you

Dec 25, 2001 23:32

What a Christmas. Through all this Christmas spirit, I still found tym to write my college essay for Mason...I'm so happy it's finally done. I really hope the application readers don't frown upon my non-essay style of writing for this "essay".


The swaying of fresh, vibrant grass, the warm sunset of a dying day, and the still, crystal water reflecting my perspiring forehead. Escaping the stress and chaos of a material world, my mind turns to the damp and glistening asphalt of a path into higher levels of consciousness. As my breathing drifts to the background in a symphony of nature, my motions become automatic, and my mind holds absolute power. The threshold of pain has long since been conquered and my mind seems dissolved in the atmospheric beating of my heart.
Without a care in the world I journey on through this enlightening experience. The worries and selfishness of everyday life have long been extinct, and gone also is the thought of the malignant greed that plagues many people. World peace seemingly becomes reality as a mosquito, resting upon a bright green turtle, observes the friendship between a busy honeybee and a sweet-smelling poppy. I am lost to the world I once knew yet am reborn into a kind of place only imaginable. I am released from my fears and from the existence on this plane...until I realize I am only TRAIL RUNNING.

Well, tomorrow me and Ryan are going to the Mizani's (Mehron and Armon) and we're coming back Friday afternoon. This means that I'll still have a four-day weekend to look forward to when I come back...Just as long as I don't think about my homework.
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