Well, I finished HP& the Deathly Hallows.
It wasn't TERRIBLE.
It seemed to wrap everything up nicely, but I wish she'd found a better way to do it than have her primary characters sit down and EXPLAIN everything to the reader every few chapters. By the end of the book it had become profoundly irritating, especially since, as in the previous two books, she kept adding mythology that simply hadn't been there earlier at all.
You could forgive this early in the series, because after all the Wizarding World is new to Harry, and the reader is discovering it alongside him. But by now Harry (and, by extension, the reader) has been de-muggled for seven years. There's REALLY no excuse for totally new (or retconned) plot devices to be showing up every thirty paces.
But, I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I shall stop there.
On to point two: I hear Marvel has started ramping up a project to turn The Mighty Thor into a movie.
This has the POTENTIAL to be good. Thor was always a fascinating read - mainly because Stan Lee kept him away from metaphysical and spiritual plotlines for AGES, and made him into a space-hero. He was always travelling to other planets and battling alien beings, which kept everything fresh, and not just endlessly rehashed Eddas.
And then there was Loki. Ah, what a wonderful character. Cowardly, but brilliant, full of resentment and envy and mixed loyalties and all that good stuff that makes a villain great. I don't have a lot of opinions on who gets to play Thor - there's plenty of strong-jawed leading men out there who'd do well. But I have a few opinions about Loki.
The voice I hear in my head for Loki belongs to
Tom Hulce. He does sulking and petulant well. He also does genius well, and none can deny that Loki's chief asset was his brains. The line of dialogue that popped into my brain was this:
Sif: You two-faced -
Loki: Two-Faced? Why, I do believe I've been insulted. My dear, I am Loki Liesmith, master of my Art. I have considerably more than two faces.
Naturally, this echoed in my head for about ten minutes while I tried, desperately, to put a face to the voice I was hearing, and another ten minutes to look him up on iMDB and put a name to the face.
So, who would YOU cast for the new Thor movie, and why?