A quick update before I go to work

Jan 13, 2005 08:15

Hi-dee-ho, neighbors! That was ghei. Oh well.

Life after Rocky is beautiful, I have time to myself with which to do whatever I please! My first Saturday off, most awesome slappytanker and I chilled at her casa and I knocked back a few delicious strawberry margaritas that she concocted for me. It was rad.

The holiday break was nice, with the exception of the actual holidays, got to spend lots of time with the boyfriend.

My Nena got back from Germany 2 days ago, and her Andrew is coming back here so they can get married in March, and then he's taking her back to Germany with him. That makes Jessie a sad panda. Except that they are perfect for each other and make the other one so damn happy! I guess this means I'll be taking a trip to Europe pretty soon, though. *hurrah!*

Niko is getting braces at 2 this afternoon! *yikes* poor baby. Looks like I will add "official smoothie maker" to my title of Jessie: girlfriend, cleaner of kitchen and general bachelor messes, wreaker of havoc, etc...
I've never had a boyfriend with braces before. Not even in junior high. Crazy. Bless his heart, he's going to be all self-concious about it. On the plus side, he announced yesterday at dinner that he was growing his hair out until he got the braces off. Sweet! But, for now, his hair is still uber short. But I still love the guy. He's good.

Starting school the 18th. Taking art, music, dance, lots of fun science classes, good good stuff. :D happy Jessie. UTD is giving me some problems, though. I figure, I kick them in the head, it gets all better.

I miss my online buddies. But I am just so strapped for time lately. Love you guys.

*goes to get ready for work*

oh! oh! *hops up and down* Tasha got me a ticket to Ani for my birthday! *squEEEEEEE* <3 <3 <3

Getting a new phone soon. Should be in the next few days. I have voicemail now! Its only been 2 years that I was without it! lol.

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