Feb 02, 2011 21:22
Got up at 4:00 this morning to shovel the driveway behind B's car so he could get to dialysis. The snow plows had made amazing progress considering the ferocity of the storm just hours before, so of course we had a huge mound of hard-packed snow running across the end of our driveway. I tackled the easier stuff first, the light fluffy snow in the driveway behind B's car - drifts as tall as his bumper - then started on the mound. Everything was dead quiet except for B's car warming up, the crunch of my boots, and the sound of the shovel cutting through the snow. Then a large Bobcat with a plow on the front and a blinding spotlight rounded the corner down the block and bounced up the street in our direction. He stopped at our drive and beeped at me to get out of the way. I walked across the street and leaned on my shovel as he proceeded to clear off the rest of that mound. It took him about 90 seconds to move what would have taken me 15 minutes. He pulled back out of the drive, beeped a couple of times, and bounced on down the street into the darkness.
Who was that masked man?