Okay...i took some quizzes cus i'm bord. Here they r

Nov 15, 2005 18:10

I took this quiz here it is
hahaha that rymed

What type of evil are you??
You're the psychotic type of evil. Not ultimate. Just psychotic. You might want to see a therapist or something, before they put you in the looney-bin.

OK and that was my resluts so everyone knows and they can not stop callin me evil or crazy cus i told this retared quiz to let u know what time of evil i am and that i get it! So u all can shut the hellm up and stop callin me evil or crazy


99% evil, You have never done anything nice, if you
ruled the world, have every one in the world be
your slave. You would be just fine. I guess
your pet would be a shark (Yay loves sharks).
Rate 5 and msg me if you want.

How Evil Are You?(with great pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Quote:The unknown is the world that calls me out of
this world of pain.

You have the ability to read minds. You can see
what the mind holds captive that never lets the
human mind understand. You can know things
before they happen. You can hear things others
don't. You have a different way of thinking
because you see things and know things that
people don't. You are probably wise beyond your
years. You probably are alone most of the time
because you cannot stand being around people
because what they think or how they are just
overflows your being and you cannot understand
it. You probably write or do something to let
your emotions out or to simply remember and
then go back to see what they mean. You
probably come off as mysterious or quiet,
mystical. People are scared at how much you
know. Or how you seem to know who and what they
are all about. But don't worry, its not
anything to be ashamed of. You have either a
gift or a curse how ever you feel or treat it.
Don't let people mess with you. You are in
control of who you are.

~Inside us there is a hidden ability we cannot understand sometimes, What is yours?~(Beautiful pictures and quotes)
brought to you by Quizilla
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