Oct 05, 2005 21:36
School went by pretty good today besides the fact that i had my pysical pherapy to go to if n e one cares and couldn't do my h/w till later cus i had to go to the church for something. Gym and sci and band my last 3 classes r the best! keyboardings ok but those last 3 r the best. I don't do gym cus of my arm and my friend Jason doesn't do it cus he has mono but we hang out, talk and walk around together. That is always fun. Todasy we were brave enough to go away from gym class and walk in the woods. HA! They didn't even care or notice thats whats so fun about it. In sci. it's always fun, I have the best sci. teacher mr. O'brian no not mr. west but mr. west is my neighbor lololol like evryone is my neighbor, but n e ways. Idk it's just so much fun in that class. I sit next to heather Mitchelle, connor B. Jake D. Sean. James. And they r always so fun like today, Jake and connor were makin fun of heather about paul and sean. They were actin gay and sayin stuff like, "How can u not love sean he's so hot." "yea if i was gay i would totally brake up w/ paul and date him, no wait a min. I am gay and i did break up w/ paul for sean, that sexy guy." lololol and they were sayin more stuff like that and James was just sayin funny things and nick blurts out comments and some other kid whose on my bus beats him up for it lol such a freakin funny class