This week

Apr 25, 2009 09:43

...has been one of the best I've ever had.

Sunday: Woke up at A&C's to an absolutely beautiful day. Walked over to this breakfast place we've been to a couple times now, had an omelet and muffin, walked home. Then we (A,C,J,&N) all piled into a car and drove to Chanticleer, this estate garden type place. We walked/skipped/played around though the garden for a while taking many pictures, I climbed a tree and rolled down a hill and saw lots of beautiful early spring flowers. It was amazing. Then I drove J, N, and myself home.

Monday: Went into work for a partial day, got a little bit done, ran a couple errands, then hit the road south. Ate nutella and strawberries while stuck in traffic on 95 South. Later, ate a frosty with a spoon while driving. It was again an utterly gorgeous day, and the huge vines of wisteria that grow along the highways in souther VA and NC were all in bloom. Amazing sunset. Got to E's apartment later than expected, but still was good to see her.

Tuesday: E and I went to the NC zoo and walked and walked and saw zebras and elliphants and ostriches and bison and a polar bear and a grizzly claw that was rather terrifying and a river otter and all kinds of things. More lovely weather. Then we went back and met her boyfriend for lunch. He is nice and funny and I approve. We went home and had a little nap, and then met at boyfriend (S)'s work for a game night with his colleagues. I played a new one, which was fun, and one I know, which I won.

Wednesday: The weather report was a little iffy, so we didn't go up to the park like we'd talked about. We went to breakfast at Carolina Cafe, which was one of my favorite places when I lived in NC and I miss it very much. Then we stopped at Ritz and I looked at digital SLRs, as I am considering buying one prior to my Greece trip in the fall. Then she had to go into work for a little bit, so I went for a little bit of a walk around her neighborhood. She got back and we met S for lunch again and then went home and napped. We slept a little longer than expected and when we woke up and went to the battlefield park, it was closed (b/c for some reason it closes at 5 not dark). Instead we went to S's and collected his dog, then walked over to the arboretum a couple blocks away and walked around. I got to see more pretty flowers, this time of a late spring nature, being further south. Then back to his house for game night with the game crowd. I played a new card type game that was pretty fun.

Thursday: I woke up as E was leaving for work and had breakfast, then watched some Animaniacs on her computer/TV. I fell back asleep at some point and woke up when she got home. We went to lunch at Panera, and then she had to go back to work and I left to go meet up with my David. Drove over there, had second lunch at our Thai place (I love their panang curry) and talked. As always, I have the best/most stimulating intellectual discussions with David. Then I hit the road again. It was another amazingly beautiful day, and I drove the whole way with windows and moonroof open, and didn't put my sweatshirt on till evening up near DC.

Friday: I got in to work and my boss tells me I get to go to Scotland!!! Mid June, actually just barely over midsummer even (I only just thought of that part), the weather should be amazing. Of course, with Greece and these days to see E, I don't have much other vacation, but I'm going to give myself two or three weekend days on the ends. I was almost hyperventilating and completely giddy all morning. Work was good, I did a little thing for a sponsor, I made travel arrangements, I should have done a lot more. I left a little early and came home and weed-whacked part of my yard, researched computers and digital cameras online, and played my computer game with dad and E.

Saturday: Made eggs for breakfast, off to Best Buy then Home Depot. Kristen's wedding is tonight. And yet again, amazing weather!!! I love spring.
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