LOVE makes a family...

Dec 27, 2003 02:35

alright... so today I saw a post from a "friend" (you know who you are) explaining how he is against gay marriage, and how he is NOT gay (sounds like internalized homophobia to me). Okay, dude... you're not gay. fine by me. I wouldn't want you in my family anyway. You say that the future of the family is at stake? You know what I say to that??!? LOVE makes a family. I know plenty of heterosexuals who make totally shitty parents. Did you ever stop to think that children in a homosexual family would learn important things, like acceptance, equality, tolerance, strength in the face of adversity... I could go on, you know. It is the absence of these things that make up some of the most major problems in our country. You say you are a Christian? Well so am I. And I think you could learn some things from Jesus' teachings. ALL men are equal in the eyes of the Lord. I know the Bible says it is a sin for a man to lie with another man, but it also says that wearing cloth woven from two different fabrics is a sin. Why don't you go start "The coalition against cotton-polyester apparel" and don't bother yourself with something you don't understand. EVERYONE- FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!! (I'm more than happy to debate because I stand up for what I believe in) That's really all I have to say.
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