Apr 26, 2005 23:09
well i had a revelation tonight.. besides a select few people(3) i will be alone after may is over. everyone, who i am friends with will be leaving to go to school outside this god forsaken place called Memphis. You lucky bastards. i only have one thing to say to all you fuckers at CBHS. BLOW ME. To the few there that actually worked i salute you but to the vast majority i plaxe a pox on you. You will infest our society with your offspriung that will do the exact same thing that you have done. You have cheaten and stole to gain ground at a school. you have not even looked at a book, you are jackasses who most deserve a good whoopin by your father with a fuckin belt. but no 'i can never harm my children or make them think bad of me so when they do something wrong we will just let it pass and they will learn from their mistakes.' you people are fucked in the head. you think that everytime your son wants something he should have it no matter how many times he gets kicked out of class or smarts off to a fucking teacher or gets in trouble. "yea boys will be boys" but that does not mean you do not have to repremand them. You better damn well believe that when i do have children (o god heaven forbid i have children...) there will be a thick leather belt and they will know what it means. I do not believe in people who donot punish their child other than grounding them. To ground a kid means that they get to go to their room and stay there.. o god what a punishment. Most teens today have more techonlogy in their rooms than they know what to do with. So yea ground them and when they get introuble they just go puot about how they cant go driving but they then realize that they can go to their rooms and watch satellite TV, and play their x-box's, and no tellin what other shit they have in there...ok to se tthe record straight yes i do have a tvin my room and an x-box and a sterio, but im not being hypocrytical when get in trouble i used to get teh living hell beat out of me. Yea and when you teach your kids how to lie cheat and steal what are they going to grow up to be.. i hope to god for your sake not lawyers or doctors because who knows what corners they wil literially cut to make a buck. next group of people on my list Wiggers., Niggers and black people. here are my definitions for these classes.. a Wigger is a white person who (for the love of god i do not know why)acts like a nigger. a nigger is a black person who DOES NOT FUCKING SPEAK CLEARLY and demands everything without even attemppting to work for itr by pulling the race card. a black person is a person i can respect because they work they try to adapt to society like everyother person by being polite and not using the word "Cuz" to refer to someone. you get my drift all you people know exactially what im talking about.. all you wigers and niggers can kiss my fat hairy ass.. because i really dont give a fuck anymore..
to the few people i do care about im sorry about all the shit i have caused .. its just my nature i guess i dont know. but i just wish you all the best of luck wherever you go and that we can stay in touch..because once yall leave i will behere..alone. I know this it is no suprise its been like that for a long time now. its just something i have to accept.
i dont know what im sayying anymore.. im jsut babbling on about the most random fucking things. im sorry. i just dont have the energy anymore. this school year has most definately been the best and the fucking worst one i have ever had to deal with in and out of school. i know im an asshole.. but what else do i know...