Woe betide us all...

Nov 10, 2006 01:25

Um, right.  So I have not entirely fallen off the face of the earth.  Rather, I am inundated by worky-things and such, and feel terrible about neglecting my fanjournal, but do not fear: for I have entered the valley of the NaNoWriMo, and am not dead yet.

Anyways, as you can tell, I've discovered the TV show Lost, and Wednesday made me very happy.  When the novel-that-I-dare-not-speak-its-name is done and/or printed out and burned as firepaper, then I will probably have killed my burnout enough to return to happy fandom (pancake?) funness.  (You see, I still remember my references!)  I may also have more free time.

Haha!  Wasn't that a delightful joke!  In any case, I'm also going to Switzerland for the middle part of January, so I very much won't be around then.  But until then, expect the unexpected!

no fic, real life, icon

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