I'd like to start this off by saying in all seriousness Your Mileage May Vary because seriously my opinion is mine and mine alone and as much as I'd love to shove it down peoples throats and have them choke on it, thats not very nice. So I don't expect everyone to agree, like or even want to hear it but I'm gonna say it cause really it needs saying. In continued seriousness this is part a review of the book part a rant at other readers/fans/reviews.
Now to your regularly scheduled program, after a quick rant from your host.
Get the fuck over it. No seriously Get the fuck over it. It aint that big a deal. If you don't like it stop shelling out $20 twice a year to bitch because seriously I don't want to hear it. Not even in the least. So LKH writes a crap ton of sex, added some needless characters and kinda said screw plot more sex. Guess what you're not the writer, nor her editor, nor her publisher. If you don't like it stop buying it. Its not that hard. And don't go whine "Oh well I'm waiting to see if it got better" no you're looking for a reason to bitch and its fucking annoying.
Laurell K. Hamilton has turned into a porn writer instead of a sci-fi writer. 80% of porn, 10% on recital and giving descriptions of all the characters and I do mean all, 2 to 3 chapters at the gym, she spends two pages on wrapping everything up at the end of book. What a waste. Actual "review"
Seriously its been what? 5 books of what 19! Thats not turning into a porn writer, Let me repeat 5 bad books out of 19 isn't turning into a porn writer. Losing focus sure, bad writing sure, but guess what you had prior fucking warning people five books of prior warning its not like she's going to suddenly STOP writing sex because people bitch at her so why are you surprised? And yes LKH describes everything from the people to the room to the cloths they're all wearing and its tedious and annoying but goddamnit its been NINETEEN BOOKS of it again you've had prior warning.
And so people don't think I'm just ragging on this one "review" lets move on to another one.
I'm no prude mind you a little steamy sex in a great story is fun. I ran out and bought the book hoping that Anita was finally back to her vampire hunting and horror. Instead of vampire/ monster/ bad guy hunting.... The story turned my favorite characters into nothing but mindless, sex addicts in what seemed to be one great big orgy with basically anything that moved. I don't believe I've ever been so delighted with a series only then to be completely turned off. I thought the Anita Blake series to be so original , the story, horror, mystery.... it was so much fun, and the romance. Though, now, the series has disappointedly turned to pretty much just PORN.
Okay the book is 35 pages long give or take, there are about 4/5 sex scenes in the whole thing - one of which takes place off camera/page - probably less because a 2 of the 4/5 I'm counting blend into the same sex scene to be honest. These 4/5 sex scene take up about 60-80 pages tops most likely less. I'll admit to that being a little on the heavy side even if my numbers are right. But its been worst and if you could read though Incubus Dreams, Micah and Danse Macabre this was not that bad. Really not that bad.
Secondly Anita did "vampire/monster/bad guy hunting" in Flirt the book before this! AND she's been stuck in the Circus for the last year so we don't know whats she's done when we "aren't looking" besides the fact last I remember Dolph was pissed at her so the option of "vampire/monster/bad guy hunting" is kinda shot unless something big comes to town. Besides the fact she got called for a case which she helped on in a vague little way over the phone - which even I'll admit to being a cop out but other crap was happening so what the hell.
Where has Anita gone? I used to count the days until a new book dropped. Now, I regret purchasing the book. I want Anita back. I love this series. But, in my opinion this series is off the rails. Anita needs to get her necromancing rear end back to the cemetary and start raising some zombies, interact with clients and leave the boys at home for awhile.
Believe me when I first read the character of Jean Claude I thought no sexier vampire could exist. Richard super duper sexy and someone who was relatable. Even the vampires were relatable. They are no longer so. I think the metaphysical stuff is totally overboard. Really did we learn anything in this book? Other than Richard changing his entire personality, seriously, Richard cooperative and sexually fooling around with men? Jean Claude has basically become a lap dog. He needs to throw down, be that tough sexy vampire he was before. He's Master of the City he needs to start biting people and taking names. Opening the book with Anita at a recital with children, are you kidding. Anita Blake doesn't want to be around children that's so not her. She needs to mix it up with the "others" in St. Louis not some mind bending nonsense from a distance. She needs to pull her gun and get to business.
If Edward met her today he'd probably shoot her!
Give us Anita back please. The vampires need her, the werewolves need her, the rats and her readers need and miss her desperately.
People change, get over it. In six years - in book time - things happen, people change, they make choices you may or may not agree with. And just like in the real work you can choose if you associate with them or not. And while I may not agree with the choices made by LKH towards the character if the books kept doing the same thing for NINETEEN books as she did in the first three books I would have gotten bored by now. A lot of people would have gotten bored by now. It would be - no offence to Nora Roberts/JD Robb - like reading the In Death series with Eve Dallas again. And whining about Anita at the recital proves you weren't paying attention because Anita wasn't there for the kiddies which they explain. She was there for Jason, Nathanial and Stephen. The fact that kids where there was because guess what when dance studio's have recitals the kids are there too!
And as a side note Edward met the "New" Anita and guess what, he still likes her the way she is. And even more shocking Edward getting married and is gonna have kids.
So people serious, either stop buying the damn books or stop whining about things that have nothing to do with the actual book! Because your griping at LKH and your dissatisfaction to the changes she's made in characters isn't doing anything.
And now to your regularly scheduled review and recap.
I'd like to start this off by saying I miss Larry. And if you don't remember who Larry is thats totally understandable as we haven't seen him since his wedding. I have to say I have small wants for this series, little ones. Things to be resolved more than anything. The thing with Jessica Arnet, I want Obsidian Butterfly to make some kick ass appearance, I want Stephen and Gregory to heal, I want to see Evans again and Ronnie for that matter because we haven't in ages, I want Special Agent Bradley Bradford and Fox to make a come back, I want Anita's dad and stepmom to make a fucking appearance because we haven't heard about/from them from that one phone call ages ago when Anita first started dating Jean-Claude publicly, I want Edward, Donna and the kids to show up. Those are my wants for this series.
None of those things happened in this book.
The things that did happen however that made me happy were, Asher and Jean Claude FINALLY got it on - which has been like a century in the making - Richard grew the fuck up and manned up, and Haven got the shit kicked out of him - which I was waiting for since The Harlequin when he tried to hurt Nathaniel and Micah. Those are the things that happened that made me happy.
Monica made an appearance which was funny because I occasionally had thought about her and being pregnant and how that worked out. The dance recital thing was cute and its one of those things that I wished I could SEE instead of having to visualize. Still at the recital I think the whole thing with Micah and Asher was silly and pointless and did nothing to the plot - nor the fight Asher picks later on.
The fight Asher picks was good. From a character stand point its been a long time coming. I want to say its been coming since the end of Incubus Dreams when he almost killed her and isn't allowed to be alone around her. Because part of the that conversation I feel that they had before in a previous book. I feel that Asher brought this up before and Anita said that she though they'd been doing it for the a while when she wasn't around and that Jean Claude responded the same way only in the previous conversation something distracts them from finishing it. But I could be mistaken.
When Richard show'd up I was thinking "Fuck he's gonna fuck this up, fuck he's gonna fuck this up" and then he didn't. I don't know how I feel about this. It seems like a sudden character change because Richard has always been firmly hetro. I can see the BDSM thing because again I feel like they -Anita and Richard- had that conversation before. I don't know if I trust this new and improved mental state of Richards to last. Not that I want him to go back to being bitchy mind you because that got old fast. There's a line though between Richard and Asher that I loved "Did your theraoist put you on drugs? Is that why this new calm?" I lol'd for a minute on that one. Poor Asher, it was hinted at before in one of the books that Asher liked Richard but he turned him down - I loved the little analysis someone made of Asher of how he loves seducing the strong macho hetro guy because its so true! - so he's so not trusting. Asher's so needy, in a way he's worst than Nathaniel.
Theres a sex scene (1), then the whole thing with with Bella and Padma happen. Which explains something I'd been wondering about. Because I figure that the whole thing with Mommy Dearest is the way the series is going to end and if they blew her up than that killed that idea but if she's not really dead then - outside of the Voldemort thought I had - this brings her back into play with some extras.
This again brings us back to the whole weretiger thing - which reminds me where the hell is Christine? The first weretiger we meet in The Lunatic Cafe??? - which in a way is fraying on my last nerve for various reasons the easiest to explain is, what the hell makes weretigers so special? Anyway interesting conversation with Bibi which gives us some history and backstory to the weretiger thing - but not an answer to my question but leads to my theory that Mommy Dearest was a necromancer which is why her and Anita are so similar.
Then chapter 13 ends with the line "We need a backup plan." which is when I was like Okay call Edward! But it didn't happen *le sigh*. Then Auggie class and the thing with the werelions gets brought back to light and is soon the be handled. Anita says mad skills during her conversation with Auggie which makes me lol again. Then six fucking pages of description of everything which made me go fuck it whatever but its okay. Then part of a conversation happens but it devolves into sex (2) but its off camera sex so whatever. When everyones up at at them theres this line from Richard which again made me LOL "You may be a manipulative bastard sometimes, but you're our manipulative bastard" to which Jean Claude responds "Such flattery will go to a man's head" not the most creative bit of dialogue I've read but I still lol'd and awe'd.
Then this shit with Haven happens. And OMG I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this for ages even though I didn't know I was. It wasn't until they were having the conversation in the bathroom that I realized how much of a misogynistic dickwad he was. He does these things and you forgive him because he proclaims to love Anita. Which gives you a pass to an extent but I feel that Anita the character that she is wouldn't put up with this outside of the fact she tries to do the "right thing" and outright killing his ass wouldn't be that. Sidenote: When Nicky showed up I was like who the fuck was he?? Then I remembered then I wondered why the hell Anita didn't let him just KILL Haven and end that bullshit End sidenote. I feel that what happened with Haven and Noel was unplanned. I'll explain why, I think LKH does this thing or rather I know she does this thing where she has a character and she knows what she needs them to do and where she needs them to be or where she needs them to go but then as she writes she becomes attached to the character and doesn't follow the plan. I feel like Haven wasn't suppose to stay. I think Noel and Travis weren't suppose to stay. I feel like Haven was suppose to come in be Anita's lion but be off screen for most of it. And I feel that the personality that is his character didn't allow that and LKH to much of a....LKH let him do as he pleased which meant dragging back out Travis and Noel and having poor Noel GET SHOT IN THE FUCKING HEAD! *coughs* Sorry that pissed me off. Not that I was attached to him or anything but I totally think that was cheap, because Anita won't out right kill Haven he needed to do something bad enough for her to kill him so LKH had him kill Noel so Anita would be pissed and kill Haven. That was cheap and unneeded because given Haven's personality there are other things he could have done, hell LKH could have in the fight with Claudia, Anita, Kelly and Rosamond Haven get killed and it would have totally been legit. But she didn't she took a canon fodder from her pile of them and sacrificed him.
Then Anita does this emo depressed mopey shit which is explained and legitimately shock. Which was a nice emotional reaction. The call from Jacob was interesting for later use which makes it feel empty on my end. Then the thing wtih Richard blah blah blah. Then the thing with Valentina! OMG WTF. No serious WTF? Why are you surprised? She's 5 and she's been 5 for like 2,000 years, she gets off on torture you know this! You knew this from when you FIRST met the girl, why are you surprised at what she finds on the internet?!?!? Because your morals won't let her torture anyone she has no outlet so no shit she's losing it around the edges. If they kill Valentina that would piss me off. Thats all I'm saying on that matter.
Somewhere between all of that the thing with the case came through. It was a small thing but related to the whole Mommy Dearest thing so tie in for points. With all that was happening I didn't expect her to go to them. It was okay because I think its going to maybe come up again later.
The gym thing was okay. It was whatever. It was sort of character interaction development something or another. It happened I lived through it I didn't mind reading it, moving on. The after analysis of Haven was interesting but it should have happened earlier I think. When Anita was first in shock or right after. But thats a personal problem on my part.
I actual like Mephistopheles, him and Kelly where my two favorite new characters introduced. Mephistopheles and Asher were so cute! It was sort of like FINALLY. My only thing was Mephistopheles seemed sort of...young in the start of the conversation. I want to see more of Mephistopheles and I want Kelly to take over the werelion pride. Anyway that conversation between Mephistopheles, Anita and Co dissolves into sex (3)
Then we finally see the people that Bibi sent, all the other tigers. Some stuff happens that previews the rest of the series - assuming Mommy Dearest death is going to end the series. And thats about a wrap. Not bad all in all. I know I skimmed bits for this but mostly because its like 3 in the morning and I'm losing focus. All in all I liked it, things pissed me off but nothing enough to really rant just about them separate from this. I liked things, not as many as before but more than I have in the most recent books. I have a few more LKH specifie related grips but thats about it.
LKH does this thing that I both love and hate. She lets her character do whatever the hell they want regardless of what that means to the plot and moving the story forward. This means that things happen for no real reason other than it fits the character at the time and whatever the action they did or did not take doesn't move the plot along nor does it make the character grow. Its frustrating that she doesn't reign them the hell in and MOVE the story to where it needs to be.
On another note somehow I think she got called the heel about the series and where it was going. Because I know from previous interviews and stuff that she has what amounts to a free pass when it comes to writing the Anita Blake books yet somehow I feel like in the last two books
And lastly one pick I have to make, LKH needs to FIRE whoever is her editor cause they SUCK at their job. The fact that I noticed things is a sign because I'm horrible at editor like duties. But the typo's, spelling errors and repeat, unneeded sentences where really bad.