Happy P0rn Wednesday 14

May 05, 2010 01:39

w00t I manged to do it at the start of Wednesday this time :D Though its only one fic for today :D Though its five days into mmom so give me some time and I'll have a bunch more because masturbation porn is awesome and needs love too.

Control by mskatej
Summary: Clark and Lex give their friendship another go.
Note: *fans self* Car sex is made of win! I haven't rec'd anything Smallville in a while because I honestly have read any Smallville new porn in a while. I think twinsarein" may have been right when she said that SV isn't that kinky of a fandom *le sigh*

fanfiction:p0rn wednesday, fanfiction:fic_rec, tv_show:smallville

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