lots of things happening

Jan 22, 2005 16:24

again, wow... its been a while since ive updated this.

Lots of stuff has happened lately. I'll start with the most recent. First off, i have a new cell phone number, for those of you I have yet to give the number too it is (850) 499 9707. Its through verizon so if you have a verizon phone we can chat for free!!! I have also invested into a 30'' Samsung HDTV, althought its still a tube tv, the picture is absoultly amazing, and halo2 roxxors on it.

Work has been going well, I have been transfered to the digital camera/random computer parts department, because I can sell camera's well and I love helping people with computer questions. Well, except really stupid people, those get agravating... and OLD PEOPLE! dont get me wrong, there are some that are as smart or even smarter then me about computers, but 90% are just dumb as bricks AND unwilling to want to understand. The ones that do want to learn are awesome and just really fun to show them how to use their computers and digital cameras. unfortunalty its been really DEAD in the store lately.. people are broke...er.. then they were before xmas so no one is buying stuff, which sucks because I get bored easily. Thankfully most of the associates I work with play World of Warcraft/FFXI/Halo2/Half-life2/Counterstrike:source, so we tell our tales of funny happenings, and that kinda passes the time along... but I cant complain.. getting paid to sit around and talk about videogames is totally cool.

School has been going well too. Right now im taking Calculus III, Physics II, Sociology, and ENC1101. I will officially be returning to the University of Florida next spring as a transfer student. Im just so close to completing my AA that I migh as well finish it up, and Its just more time to work and earn lotsa monies! I made all B's last semester, which I was satified with, but not entirely happy with.. but it does definatly beat the C's, D's, and Drops that I had last year, so hopefully this semester will be a straight A semester. oh, and my calc teacher tends to say "what?" about 300 times a lecture.. if you dont believe me I can send you one of the lectures Ive recorded and you can hear for yourself lol.

I guess the biggest thing that has happened lately is that ive finally found a girl that likes me. Which is like SOOOOOO totally awesome. and not just awesome as in looks, but her personality is just wonderful too. I am just really happy just being able to sit next to her and hold her. We are taking the relationship slow, which is good because all this dating stuff is really new/uncomfortable sometimes to me. and I am just really happy that she likes me enought to be patient and help me through things. we are not officially going out....yet, and its just kinda resting on when I feel that im ready to take the reltaionship further, which with every moment I get to be with her, the more it seems the time to make it official. Its, just, really nice having someone to hold onto now, and I hope that this relationship will flourish and grow.

well, im going to get back to work now, gotta get some training done, hope all of you all are doing well and that you are doing well in school, I look forward to seeing you all again.. and hopefully we can plan a get together. PJ keep me posed on the feb visit so Ican see about getting off work, a few weeks would be ideal, but justkeep in touch. Take care
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