After weeks of craving for coffee at home and hours of research, both online and actual, as to what kind of coffeemaker to get, I finally bought a French Press. I initially wanted one of those basic drip coffee makers, but after looking around, I didn't find anything that appealed to me aesthetically yet was still reasonably priced. I didn't want to splurge on those fancy professional looking machines (meaning, nothing more than $20, please!) and the cheaper ones looked exactly that -- cheap. Luckily, I read online that French Press pots make a better quality of coffee than the drip ones. Initially I wanted to get a
Bodum coffee press, but I hadn't seen any for sale during my random peeks inside the coffee shops here. Oh, I know there are definitely some around for sale, but once I'd decided on the coffee press, I was too impatient to wait any longer. I wanted my coffee press and I wanted it immediately. There were also some available on eBay, but I am all about instant gratification. :)
How excited was I about the idea of finally making my own coffee? Excited enough to actually buy the ground beans before I even had a coffee press! I bought my coffee from
JJ Bean, a Vancouver-based company , because I liked their business philosophy of selling good quality environmentally sustainable coffee. They are a strong proponent of "the movement towards sustainability as it relates to coffee growing. The concept of sustainability is this: meeting our needs for today without sacrificing the needs of the future."
JJ Bean exterior
So not only do I get to a enjoy a good cup of coffee, I also get to feel good about helping our planet. How's that for celebrating Earth Day? :) The blend I chose was the Canta Gallo, an Organic Fair Trade coffee.
Canta Gallo coffee
Since I already had my freshly-ground coffee, I was determined to have my coffee press that same day, so off to Ikea I went. Their coffee press may not be as sturdy or pretty as Bodum's, but hey, it's not like I'm some kind of coffee connoisseur, and as long as it works, that was good enough for me. Besides, I was a bit scared I may end up not using it as much as I was expecting to and I didn't want to waste money. So after all that research and dithering, I finally went home with my new toy. The IKEA French Press for only $12.99. Woohoo!
my new toy - IKEA French Press
There's my very first batch of delicious Canta Gallo coffee made in my shiny new toy. Perfect for satisfying my coffee craving. If you look closely, you can see the stacks of library books dumped in one corner of the window seat in the breakfast nook. And that's not even half of all the books I still have to read on the other messier side of the nook, haha! :)
So far, I've enjoyed a cup a day, either with breakfast or as an afternoon snack. I'm about to run out of coffee! Time to go choose another blend!