Jan 11, 2022 19:32
It's my mission this year to take better care of my physical and mental health. And it's important to consider how writing and being an author have contributed to my anxiety issues and not-so-great habits.
Over-working has become something praised in our culture. To be completely clear, I do believe "hard" work is admirable. And that big dreams are admirable. But there is a difference between giving your work and goals the attention they deserve and draining yourself by not allowing yourself to rest or go at your own pace.
I've been writing a lot in the past week. And it's been wonderful. There's an ease to it again. A natural flow. I'm remembering why I used to spend so much of my free time writing, just because it was fun and I loved it. And I hope that continues. But it came, in part, because I took a week off of just about everything. To enjoy some time with family. To make (and eat) lots of cookies. To watch nostalgic things, like SpongeBob and Barbie movies. To just... have fun.
I didn't spend any time on my WiPs, or give myself any guilt about that. I pre-wrote my posts for the week, so they were easy to upload and forget about. And yeah, I let myself off the hook with sugar, just for the holidays. And it allowed me to come back fresh. My mind has been so awake with new ideas and a sense of connection to whatever source fuels my creative visions that it's been a struggle to sleep. But in a good way. (Mostly.)
I've been ruminating for months about the duality of creativity being joyful and playful, while also being serious and sacred. Writing is a sacred practice to me, and I used to bristle when someone called it play or a hobby. And it is work, my sacred work, but does that mean it has to be "hard" work? Certainly some of it is challenging and time-consuming. That's part of creating something worthwhile. But does that mean it has to be joyless and soul-sucking to be respected as "work"? Can't it be serious and playful at the same time?
Storytelling is my natural talent, and when I follow my inspiration and take my time, writing is not so hard. I can put the time and effort in with love instead of force.
magic inc,