Feb 04, 2011 19:11
I' m alive in case anyone was worried or anything but getting the motivation to write entries has been quite hard lately. I have been going to class since the 10th it took 2 1/2 weeks to get over my jet lag though. We've had three snow storms here with a total of 26 inches of snow having fallen since Dec most of it within the past two weeks. Right now there is about 8-10 inches of snow on the ground now. Even though we've had killer snow storms I've only had 3 days off from school one was only cause my teacher couldn't get out of her driveway. Park sucks balls.
Currently the classes I have are
2D- elementary crap that I already know so everything is tediously boring. Like tanagrams. :/
Drawing- New models, Yay! No Mark with his stick poses. Plus I get to talk to Valerie again even though Oswald Cobblepot's daughter is there but she is in the Art teacher program so that's good for her cause she is a talentless hack. Surprisingly there are a bunch of guys in our class and in the morning class as well last year there was only 3.
Ceramics-Technically I am supposed to be working on the wheel but since my show is this year I want to make the pieces for my show first then wheel stuff. This is because I suck royally at the wheel so I want to have good work to put in my show which is all molding or coil work. Right now I am making clocks for Kelly and Kerry for their birthday, Kelly's is coming along well Kerry's is a pain in my side twice I molded something out that didn't work so now I am going to have to coil out that one entirely too. I also plan on making a dragon fountain once I get the money to buy the pump and wire.
Independent Study/Senior Seminar- Mainly I'll be doing the same thing in these classes which is getting together stuff for my Senior Show Apr 4th-13th. I am doing 3 paintings for the show along with the painting my Aunt wanted me to do. I am going to do a Couture and a Ready to Wear design using the same thing as inspiration to show my fashion design field. Also I want to (kidnap) recruit someone as my dress up doll to show my styling skills and then to photograph them. But most of the work in my show will focus on Japan and my time there.
On the real life front I have been trying to find a job and so far no good. It wouldn't be so bad but with all the tediousness of filling out applications online and on paper along with my mom pestering me it tends to get annoying. My dad vetoed my idea of asking my family to see if they wanted to commission me to make something for them or to sponsor a painting or photograph being framed/matted/printed. So I have really nothing to use for my show whic I had wanted to get an early start on but nope.
Anyway there is an update, hopefully the next time I post I will have a job or at least some money.