Today was pretty eventful in a variety of extremes. I woke up this morning and began watching some TV series' that I have been neglecting because I don't like TV. It was mildly entertaining and placated me for a while. Then I remembered... free couch.
In the
damnportlanders there was a
posting. So, my room mate Caleb and I went and obtained our treasure. This is the most comfortable couch I have ever sat on. Yes, It rivals kittens.
Then when I got back home and the couch was moved in I remember that I had to go grocery shopping to get Jambalaya supplies. I'm starting to make jambalaya tomorrow and hoping for it to be finished cooking by Monday night for dinner with the Harati's. I make it with love. Craig wants me to show him how to make jambalaya. I'm going to try my best. There are recipes out there for jambalaya, but it's really something you just do... feel your way through it. eh we'll see. I'm also making molasses cornbread. I've never tried it, but I have molasses left over from making my grandma's baked beans so we'll see what develops.
Then at 7... I didn't get there until 8:15 due to public transportation delays... some of my co-workers and myself were having a "white elephant" exchange. It works pretty much the same way as dirty Santa. $20 was the max we could spend. I purchased this 30 piece candle gift set with candles (duh) and candle holders (nice glass ones). $19.99 at Safeway. I bought some for my house as well because with dogs the house can tend to get... funky at times. Especially since puppies are running around until they get sold.
Now, I am by no means a materialistic person. I brought a decent neutral happy gift, well when the dust had settled and life was good, I ended up with the last mystery gift... it was a tin of breath mints that said "your breath smells like butt." Cute, funny, but I would consider it kind of a booby prize of sorts and then I realized something. I wasn't upset because I didn't like the gift I received. The gift I got was kind of a reflection of my life.
I could be reading too much into it (as always), but I always try to bring the best to the table. I try to be a good example, express my beliefs without oppressing, and acknowledge my downfalls and triumphs humbly. I exhaust myself, and am left with breath mints. Receiving back very little of what I actually put in the mix. It's very frustrating. Sad to say, never in my life have I ever felt a genuine connection with anyone until recently. I've had many friends, many experiences, a lot of life; but not many of the people I have met have ever returned the warmth I exuded. I've had a lot of cold relationships. I was left in the cold while I made them warm. It never bothered me... that is until I met a friend who kept me warm too.
I guess you could say that I kind of developed a new definition of my friendships now. I'm still open and honest and passionate with people all the time. I'm just a little more particular with who I allow close to me. Maybe that's a bad thing, but while I'm for God to move and move in me this will be the way I wait. In a friendship that keeps me warm because it was inspired by God.
I could provide for her now... sooner than I thought... but... the time is not right... I hate waiting... I hate not knowing... hate is a strong emotion... it takes a lot to hate something... I could never hate her... I think I might... I might actually... really might...