(no subject)

Mar 17, 2006 07:31

Today I have lunch with Dr. Advertising. I don't really want to. But I was so flattered that someone actually contacted me out of the blue and asked me out (catch me now while my standards are rock-bottom). Since then I've gotten several signs that he's really immature and foolish, and not at all my type (aside from the fact that he's getting his PhD in advertising).

I'm going to some free, open-air SXSW-related show tomorrow to see a bunch of bands, most of which I don't know, except Matthew Sweet and a friend's boyfriend's band, the latter of which is the reason I'm going. Said friend is going to introduce me to a bunch of single musician men. I don't have the courage to tell her that I'm not really interested in dating a musician. Musicians and I don't mix well in romance. My past encounters have all involved flaky, immature, self-absorbed posers. Be off, musicians! Give me a nice scientist.

(This does NOT include those musicians who I am lucky to have as friends.)
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