My apologies for the scarcity of posts. To be honest there hasn't been that much to report. I could have commented about things in the news I suppose but I'm having a bad week with my sleep. I'm finding it hard to summon up the energy to get through four hours of work each day let alone come home and write entertaining blog-entries.
But I thought I should write today because... um... people have been asking where I am *giggle* - which is sort of flattering in this slightly odd world of blogdom. It is nice to know you're missed, so thank you.
I do have some BIG NEWS to share, but not quite yet. A few tweaks need to be made and a few finishing touches applied before I can can stand back, do the old 'ta-daaaa!' thing and let you have a look.
It's six weeks until we go to America, which never fails to produce the accompanying four letter outburst, in which I exclaim in a slightly more succinct form the feeling that I really haven't done anything about it yet. We know when we're leaving, we know what we're doing when we get there and we know when we're coming back, but the actual process of getting from here to the departure gate is a barren wasteland of nothing done.
Simon is currently away for three weeks digging up Happisburgh in Norfolk. Well, not actually Happisburgh, he's digging up a section of the beach there, looking for evidence of early human occupation. There is an important
Nature paper with his name on it coming out next month which apparently I will be shot for telling you anything about. There are embargo's and other rubbish associated with it.
BUT you should have heard his comments on
this that was in the news the other day Oh my life! I haven't heard so much uber-bitching since Dynasty. Who knew there was such a seething undercurrent of discord in British human prehistory research that it pretty much lends itself to its own series of Dan Brown books! The word he used to describe the article in his professional considered opinion; was "bollocks."
Richard Curtis' episode of Doctor Who!!!!! Oh my goodness I cried buckets, I loved it, although they could have ditched the daft monster and it would have still worked brilliantly. After several weeks where I felt it wasn't quite delivering the emotional punch I was looking for, finally it does and it does it BIG TIME! Thank you, MORE PLEASE! And did anyone else expect Bill Nighy to lapse into his character from Love Actually or is it only me that is obsessed with that film? I like this idea of getting non-scifi people to write for Doctor Who, it gives things another dimension. And
Torchwood's on its way back YAY! *sticks shirt over head and runs round living room like a daft apath* They have securred John Barrowman and Eve Myles so everything WILL BE OK! As long as Jack and Gwen are there I'm happy. Although I'm still bloody upset about the Ianto thing *humpf*
Oh blimey, just seen the time, 7.15. There's been no noise from the back bedroom, so I'd better kick missy out of her pit seeing as she has to be going to school in 35 minutes.
Catch you later!
EDIT: 07:31 I should have added that Alice is off to Happisburgh next week...
Yeah this Alice...
...Fanboy alert *snigger*