I have so much to catch up on, but I think we'll start with the important bit... The new series of Doctor Who. Yes, we need to have our priorities right ;-) Doctor Who, Ashes to Ashes, Birthday, God.
I am in so much trouble... ;-) Hehe!
We're establishing a bit of a tradition for Doctor Who, in having tri-family gatherings of those families that class themselves as 'Who fans, Whovians... whatever.' Lasagneman and his family came round for the start of the new series. The last time we were all together David Tennant was saying goodbye and several of us were fighting over the Kleenex box. We are also usually joined by the Wardies on these occasions, but they were off on holiday this week and watching it somewhere in the wilds of coastal Norfolk. Well, Mundesley to be precise.
So, off we go. New series, new Doctor, new production team and oooh... New opening titles...
Graphics get an 8/10 as I couldn't distinguish the names from the background very clearly, but on the whole, very impressive.
Music... hmmm. That is going to take a bit of getting used to as I liked the 'clatter' of the previous one. I think 6/10. I hope it's a grower.
What do I think of Matt? He gets 10/10 for even daring to say yes in the wake of David Tennant. Those are some big-ass shoes to fill and it's a role that comes with an exceptional history AND exceptional fans that know it all - in the nicest possible way. The Daily Mail commented that the choosing of a new Doctor comes with as much scrutiny as choosing an Archbishop of Canterbury. I rarely agree with anything the Mail says, but on this point they are right. The DW production team have cast a brilliant actor as the Doctor. However, the Church of England need to recast and get John Sentamu in before viewing figures sink much lower. ;-) Interestingly, if you are following John Sentamu (the Archbisop of York) on twitter, you would have seen this tweet from him:
"Off to the gym, but will be back in time for Dr Who. Can't wait. Then off to Minster this evening for more baptisms (indoors!)."
See what I mean about needing to recast the part of Archbishop of Canterbury? THAT'S the man you need in charge of the Church of England! I can't see Rowan Williams running back home for Doctor Who. I've always thought Williams should work on the whole 'looks like Dumbedore' thing that he does. I mean, he's already got the purple robes, he just needs to grow the beard and bit a swap the mitre for a pointy hat and he's away.
Anyway... Where was I? Oh yes. Doctor Who.
I loved the script, I loved the witty one liners, I loved the great big chunks of dialogue that mean I will have to go back and 'do a West Wing' on it (ie, watch it with the subtitles on to stand any chance of understanding it). Simon didn't like the fish custard bit, but millions of children would have, and it was for them, I suspect, that that bit was in.
Karen Gillan as Amy Pond - fantastic! I'm no Rose Tyler fan, all that moping about over Rose got a bit wearisome; so a Donna or an Amy who can boss him about a bit and not make goo goo eyes at the drop of a hat, is a good thing. At this point I need to smack the people who complained about Karen Gillan's skirt being too short and her being 'too sexy', around the head with a rolled up copy of the Radio Times.
And an extra thwack to the Daily Mail for making a mountain out of a molehill.
Exhibit A... *sigh*
I would just like to point out that I did not buy this copy of the Daily Mail, my Dad did.
So, idiot complainers with nothing better to do notwithstanding, I thought she was fabulous and set the tone marvellously. Go Karen whoop, whoop!
Overall, I thought it was a brilliant opener and I can't see anywhere anyone saying it fell in any way flat. He's not David Tennant, he's not supposed to be David Tennant, he's Matt Smith and he's the same Doctor but with a new face and a new way of reacting to the world around him. I will happily and excitedly watch Matt and Karen for the rest of this series. Steven Moffat is precisely the right man to take it on and if the sneak peak at the end of episode one was anything to go by...
We are in for one heck of a ride.
Doctor Who. Owning Saturday Nights once again.