I have been struggling as of late to find any motivation to do much of anything outside of work. Perhaps it is because I'm still in the climbing phase -- I'm still learning new things everyday and being thrust into the fire (often on the same day I learn the facts of said 'fire') to learn through mistakes and exposure. This is a wild and rather intense kind of training. Granted, as this is my first real 'corporate' job, I don't have much to compare to, but sometimes I question if I'll make it through it in a blaze of glory or simply crash and burn.
Wow, there were too many fire metaphors in that last paragraph. Basically, the job is fantastic. The grand opening last week was remarkable and I was really proud to be a part of that milestone for the company. I'm challenged by my work and inspired by those around me. Yet I find the intensity of it all overwhelming at times. I've only 'lost it' once and my patience with myself and others is improving greatly. This is good. It's a lesson I need to learn. That I can't always be perfect. Especially when it comes to analytics, javascript and source code. But I'm doing just fine and I'll get there eventually.
And we have a wii and the newest version of guitar hero. The impeccable stress is very much evened out by the playtime I get with my stellar coworkers once or twice a week. Us geeks present for your amusement:
aluminum falcons.
Since work has been the heart of my existence lately (and I rather like it -- I never knew I'd be so career driven), there's little to report elsewhere. The main highlights are numbered below for your convenience:
1. I ran in the Chelsea 5K. New Years resolution met. And not only did I finish the damn thing, but I got first place in my age bracket (20-29). I am still swelling with pride over this accomplishment. My first race. My sister came in a close 2nd and it was a really great bonding experience for us. And she was ridiculously proud of me which was the best reward.
2. I have been spending more time with different kinds of people lately. Work and otherwise. I'm branching out and making new close friends. I feel I'm growing because of this and I really like that feeling.
3. Anna's getting married in two weeks so things on that front have gotten crazy. Showers, bachelorette parties, weekends up north. Hopefully after the 16th, I'll have a bit more time to spend with folks. I'm excited for her though. She and Randy are quite the match.
4. I may be going skydiving in July with fellow Googlers. This will mark the stupidest/coolest thing I've done in a long time.
5. I've reconnected with some valuable Albionians lately. This has been a testament to the fact that school really had a collection of kind souls. There are only a few who I can say I am consistently close with now, but those few continue to shock and amaze me. We talk about grown up things now, but our consideration for one another is still in tact, if not escalated to this new plateau... I have friends that I would drop everything for if they asked or needed me. And I know they would do the same. This is a gift that's rather foreign to me, outside from family. And I'm very very thankful.
6. I need some time to sit down somewhere peaceful and sort some things out. There have been both grand and painful things that have happened lately that I haven't had much time to grasp yet. And they deserve/demand my attention. I'm praying life pauses long enough for me to think them through soon. I'm in a season of busy avoidance and that's becoming a bit of an issue. Patience however. I'm getting better at it. And I ask that others be patient with me in the meantime as well. =)
Thanks for listening to me for a moment. It's been a long overdue catch up. Sorry for the vague-ness of it all. I'll have to start updating more often so specifics can be included without turning this blog into a novella. Love to those that have held my hand through the difficult bits as of late and especially those who have literally made me slow down and laugh. Cheers to you!