Deathly GiftsFandom: Firefly
Characters: River, Simon
Word Count: 386
Rating: G
Summary: Her gift is death. She knows it the moment she sees her crew gathered, hopeless, behind stacks of crates.
Notes: Dialogue is from Serenity. Not mine!
Her gift is death. She knows it the moment she sees her crew gathered, hopeless, behind stacks of crates. They are all waiting for the Reavers to come and get them, waiting for death and hoping to stave it and all of the evil things that Reavers do to people like them off as long as possible.
She will save them. It isn’t time yet, but very soon it will be. When it is, she will gift them with death. She will save them and she will be their hero. For them to survive, some must die. She may be one of them. Some of them may die. She may not be able to save them all.
But maybe not. Maybe they will all be okay and it will be the Reavers that will fall.
The weapon inside of her knows all this and it burns for release, waiting impatiently beneath her skin and deep under her consciousness.
Soon, it tells her.
And then it happens. Simon is hit. He falls back as if in slow motion, his eyes wide and one hand clutching his chest. He hits the ground hard; she hears it like a brick slapping wet concrete and it feels like she has been punched in the stomach. “Simon!”
The next few minutes pass in a blur.
Simon stutters out, “River. River, I’m sorry.” His expression is one of a man lost to battle, a man ready to die.
Her heart wrenches. “No. No.”
“I hate to leave.”
The knowledge comes to her, from where she does not know, that he won’t be going anywhere. His wound is not fatal. “You won’t.”
It’s time. She can feel the weapon ready itself. “You take care of me, Simon. You’ve always taken care of me.” She can sense his confusion. She smiles softly.
Her gift is death. She carries it around with her in the weapon part of her, and the uncontrollable need to kill that is now inside of her. The weapon surges to the forefront but before it can take full possession of her body, she says, “my turn.”
She runs, throws Simon’s bag back through the door, and as the door closes, she watches Simon and the others disappear. She feels the weapon take a hold of her. The Reavers close in.