DRABBLE: What Remains

Sep 07, 2010 17:48

Title: What Remains
Author: Bether/Caliente
Link: on LJ | on AO3 | ff.net | fff.net
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Zoe/Wash
Character(s): River Tam, Zoe Washburne, Hoban Washburne
Genre: character study/spiritual
Timeline/Spoilers: post-Serenity film/vague spoilers for said film
Summary: Zoe finds River in Serenity's cockpit. As always, there's more going on than meets the eye.
Warning: n/a
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Fox/Joss Wheadon. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

(x-posted to ff_fanfic and zoe_wash)

general, wash/zoe, river, drabbles, post-bdm

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