Short Piece: "The Wreckage"

Apr 27, 2007 19:49

Title: The Wreckage
Author: Luxuria_Oceanus
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: River, with hints of Mal/River
Genre: Angst
Timeline/Spoilers: Post-BDM (A week or so after the movie)
Summary: No one saw what River was hiding inside of her, but she knew. She was the only that knew. River "The Weapon" was awake within her, and she wanted to come out and play, even if she wasn't welcome...
Disclaimer: I don't own Firefly/Serenity or any characters in them, it all belongs to Joss. The only things I get out of it are wonderful readers and comments.
Author's Note: This a very short piece inspired by a song, but I don't use the lyrics, I simply drew inspiration it. It's very angsty and confusing, at least for me. It might seem a bit out of character for River, or maybe as In character as I've ever seen her, but this was just experimental and a product of my frustrations. Tthe song I used for inspiration was "The Wreckage" by Vanessa Carlton. Big humongous thanks to my Mim, my darling beta, gwenfrewi72 for being so patient with me and betaing me :) Wuv you!

Link (Will lead you to my LJ): It is my secret need

mal/river, angst, river, post-bdm

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