Crossover fic: Relativity 7/7

Feb 28, 2007 20:05

Title: Relativity
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail:
Disclaimer: Joss owns all of the Firefly situations and characters. I just like to borrow his toys and play with them. I don't own any of the HP characters, either. Those belong to Jo Rowling. She has fun toys, too. I don't pretend to be either of them.
Spoilers: In the FF-verse, this takes place after the series, after the Big Damn Movie. This takes place post-HBP in the HP-verse.
Notes: On December 16, 2005, starrysummer thought it would be a great idea to mix wizards with cowboys. So she invented the Space Cowboys and Wizards Crack!Challenge, for which I had chosen River and Ginny as my main characters. The challenge spawned a bunny that took over a year to complete.
Summary: Time and space are fluid, they bend and twist according to specific rules. When the force of will can open up a singularity, it no longer follows those selfsame rules. And sometimes it's a girl that's the savior, not a boy.


Part One - Walking On The Moon
Part Two - Kissing Time
Part Three - Missives In Time
Part Four - The Edge of Lonely
Part Five - Chill of Winter
Part Six - Something to Believe

Part 7

Delicate Balance

river, multi-chapters, crossover

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